github vercel/next.js v12.2.2-canary.0

pre-release24 months ago

Core Changes

  • Update #38371
  • Add support for catchall with new router: #38439
  • Fix client entry point prefix: #38445
  • Add support for optional catchall with new router: #38444
  • Add handling for back/forward (popstate) between old and new router: #38453
  • Make catchall parameters consistent with existing router: #38456
  • Fix warning next/future/image semicolon: #38454
  • fix(next/build): disable next-swc crash reporting temporarily: #38472

Documentation Changes

  • Update building-form sample code: #38437
  • Update i18n routing example with Middleware.: #38419
  • Adds mention of INP to "Measuring Performance" page: #38464

Example Changes

  • Replace JS blog-starter example with TS, deprecate blog-starter-typescript example: #38395
  • Convert api-routes-rate-limit example to TypeScript: #38393
  • examples(with-jotai): Update example: #38398
  • fix(examples/with-playwritght): use PORT env variable and fall back to 3000: #38107
  • docs: add trpc to examples: #38272
  • Convert api-routes-rest example to TypeScript: #38394
  • chore(examples): Convert api-routes-graphql example to TypeScript: #38357


Huge thanks to @mongolyy, @balazsorban44, @maxproske, @leerob, @huozhi, @Thisen, @thebergamo, @zorrolisto, @styfle, @housseindjirdeh, and @kwonoj for helping!

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