github verbb/formie 1.5.0

latest releases: 3.0.0-beta.16, 2.1.20, 1.6.44...
2 years ago


  • Added Calculations field for creating read-only content based on other fields' content. Supports arithmetic, bitwise, comparison, logic, string, array, numeric and ternary operators, and of course being able to reference other fields.
  • Added Signature field to allow users to sign with their mouse or finger, saving as an image.
  • Added Password field for a specialised, encrypted field just for password-saving. Of course, no plain-text saving.
  • Added Summary field, to show a summary of all fields. Commonly used on the last page of a multi-page form.
  • Added Time-only option to Date fields.
  • Added "Match Field" field setting to Text, Number, Password and Email fields to enforce validation where two fields need to have the same value.
  • Added Feed Me support for Submissions.
  • Added import/export functionality for forms.
  • Added dedicated support area, so you can submit bug reports and support requests directly to Verbb. Bundles all we need to know about your form.
  • Added Klaviyo CRM integration.
  • Added Maximizer CRM integration.
  • Added Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM integration.
  • Added SugarCRM CRM integration.
  • Added Native Forms support for SharpSpring CRM Integration.
  • Added Adestra Email Marketing integration.
  • Added EmailOctopus Email Marketing integration.
  • Added Klaviyo Email Marketing integration.
  • Added Loqate Address Provider integration.
  • Added Recruitee Miscellaneous integration.
  • Added reCAPTCHA Enterprise captcha support.
  • Added hCaptcha captcha support.
  • Added Snaptcha plugin captcha support.
  • Added conditional recipients option for Email Notifications, allowing you to define what recipients receive an email under what circumstances.
  • Added support for Element fields to have their values pre-populated via query string.
  • Added PDF Templates, allowing you to attach a custom PDF to Email Notifications.
  • Added the ability to set a Google Tag Manager payload for every submit button for forms, within the form builder.
  • Added statuses to Sent Notifications, along with error messages to identify issues for failed Email Notifications.
  • Added support for Group and Repeater fields when using setFieldSettings().
  • Added Submission snapshots to record and persist template-level field settings changes.
  • Added "Use my location" setting for Address fields with the Google Places address provider integration.
  • Added support to add any arbitrary assets to an email notification as an attachment.
  • Added better link support for rich text fields.
  • Added indicator in the form builder to show fields configured with conditions.
  • Added "Allow Multiple" support for element fields when displaying as a dropdown.
  • Added Field::defineValueAsString() and Field::getValueAsString() to consolidate how to represent field values as a string value.
  • Added Field::defineValueAsJson() and Field::getValueAsJson() to consolidate how to represent field values as JSON object.
  • Added Field::defineValueForExport() and Field::getValueForExport() to consolidate how to represent field values when exporting through Craft's export.
  • Added Field::defineValueForIntegration() and Field::getValueForIntegration() to consolidate how to represent field values when sending to an integration.
  • Added Submission::getValuesAsString(), Submission::getValuesAsJson(), Submission::getValuesForExport() to better consolidate field values for various operations.
  • Added Field::EVENT_MODIFY_DEFAULT_VALUE event to allow modification of the default value for fields.
  • Added Field::EVENT_MODIFY_VALUE_AS_STRING event for all fields.
  • Added Field::EVENT_MODIFY_VALUE_AS_JSON event for all fields.
  • Added Field::EVENT_MODIFY_VALUE_FOR_EXPORT event for all fields.
  • Added Field::EVENT_MODIFY_VALUE_FOR_INTEGRATION event for all fields.
  • Added Field::EVENT_MODIFY_VALUE_FOR_SUMMARY event for all fields.
  • Added Integration::EVENT_MODIFY_FIELD_MAPPING_VALUES event for all integrations.
  • Added Miscellaneous::EVENT_MODIFY_MISCELLANEOUS_PAYLOAD event for all integrations.
  • Added includeDate property for Date fields.
  • Added getIsDate(), getIsTime(), getIsDateTime() methods for Date fields.
  • Added recipients, toConditions, pdfTemplateId to Notification model.


  • Sent notifications are now saved earlier regardless of success, added statuses and records a failed message.
  • Refactored all fields to better handle and consolidate how their content values are represented for various operations (exports, integrations, dev API).
  • Allow Integration::EVENT_BEFORE_SEND_PAYLOAD to modify the endpoint and method for integrations.


  • Fixed captchas not showing the correct name in Formie settings.
  • Fixed an error with Recipients fields, where an option value was changed previously, and no longer valid.
  • Fixed hidden Recipients fields not being classified as a hidden field.
  • Fixed Heading fields not being classified as a cosmetic field.
  • Fixed the save shortcut when saving a submission in the control panel.
  • Fixed incomplete submissions not being able to have their status updated.
  • Fixed File upload fields not always having their upload location source/path set.
  • Fixed checkboxes fields not populating values correctly.


  • Removed Field::serializeValueForExport() method. Use Field::defineValueForExport() for setting or Field::getValueForExport() for getting instead.
  • Removed Field::serializeValueForWebhook() method. Use Field::defineValueAsJson() for setting or Field::getValueAsJson() for getting instead.
  • Removed Field::serializeValueForIntegration() method. Use Field::defineValueForIntegration() for setting or Field::getValueForIntegration() for getting instead.
  • Removed Field::getFieldMappedValueForIntegration() method. Use Field::defineValueForIntegration() instead.
  • Removed SubmissionExport::EVENT_MODIFY_FIELD_EXPORT event. Use Field::EVENT_MODIFY_VALUE_FOR_EXPORT instead.
  • Removed Submission::getSerializedFieldValuesForIntegration() method. Use Submission::getValuesForIntegration() instead.

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