github verbb/formie 1.4.0

latest releases: 3.0.0-beta.16, 2.1.20, 1.6.44...
3 years ago

{warning} Please read through the Breaking Changes before updating.


  • Added field conditions, to conditionally show/hide fields according to your logic.
  • Added page button conditions, to conditionally show/hide next button according to your logic.
  • Added page conditions, to conditionally show/hide page according to your logic.
  • Added all-new page settings manager for form builder. Allows for more settings and flexibility going forward.
  • Added “Min Date” and “Max Date” options for Date fields.
  • Added “Enable Content Encryption” setting on Address, Email, Hidden, Multi-Line Text, Name, Phone, Recipients and Single-Line Text fields. This will encrypt submission content in the database, preventing human-readable data for sensitive fields.
  • Added “Unique Value” to Email field, to control users filling out a form only once.
  • Added “Visibility” setting to all fields. Allows you to set any field to hidden, or exclude from rendering. Visibly disabled fields can still have their content set through your templates with craft.formie.populateFormValues(), but the benefit is this content is not exposed in front-end templates.
  • Added “Predefined Options” to Checkboxes, Radio and Dropdown fields. Select from 25 predefined options, or provide your own through events.
  • Added “Bulk Insert” to Checkboxes, Radio and Dropdown fields.
  • Added “Recent Submissions” dashboard widget. Provides table, pie or line charts of recent submissions for a provided date range.
  • Added System Name to available variables for variable picker.


  • Formie now requires Craft 3.6+.
  • Date fields can now use Flatpickr.js when rendered as a calendar.
  • Date fields can now content-manage their date and time format.
  • Rename field->getIsVisible() to field->getIsHidden().
  • Change syntax for populating element fields, when using populateFormValues().
  • Removed duplicate “Pre-populate” field settings for Hidden fields


  • Fixed JS errors showing in form builder error alert.
  • Fixed page errors not showing on page labels in the control panel form builder.
  • Fixed page models being re-created after saving the form multiple times.
  • Fixed form page and row IDs being stripped upon failed validation in the form builder.
  • Fixed potential issue with table input in form builder, when rows don't have proper IDs.
  • Fixed page settings getting re-created unnecessarily.
  • Fixed clicking on page tabs on the front-end not working correctly.
  • Fixed an incompatibility with PHP 8.
  • Fixed reCAPTCHA v2 Checkbox working incorrectly for Ajax-based, multi-page forms with client-side validation enabled.
  • Fixed escaping HTML in rich text field for email notifications.
  • Fixed an error with empty Date fields, when formatted as inputs.
  • Fixed an error with Hidden fields using “Query Parameter” and an empty string as a value.
  • Fixed Checkboxes fields outputting all options in email notifications.


  • Removed craft.formie.getVisibleFields().

Breaking Changes

  • If you use craft.formie.populateFormValues() in your templates to populate element fields, please note the changed syntax via the docs. This has changed from entriesField: to entriesField: [123].

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