github ventoy/Ventoy v1.0.78
Ventoy 1.0.78 release

latest releases: v1.0.98, v1.0.97, v1.0.96...
23 months ago
  1. Improvement for Boot Conf Replace Plugin, now can replace at most 2 files. Notes
  2. Update Super-UEFIinSecureBoot-Disk to v3.4 (#1695)
  3. .ventoyignore also works in F2 Browser Mode.
  4. Fix the bug when booting latest KaOS. (#1696)
  5. Fix a bug when booting TrueNAS Core 13.0. (#1684)
  6. Fix a bug when booting StorageCraft StorageProtect SPX. (#1683)
  7. Auto remove the redundant trailing slash when set directory path on VentoyPlugson page.
  8. Update languages.json
  9. New ISO support (total 920+)
  10. Document: How To Delete Ventoy Secure Boot Key

See for more details.

About Ventoy Subscription Service
Ventoy is an open source software under GPLv3 license.
But Ventoy project need to pay for the server hosting, domain name, bandwidth, many USB sticks for test, large capacity of HDD (for downloading ISO files) and so on.
For the better and sustainable development of Ventoy, I provide the subscription service.
For details please refer:

SHA-256     431bba05191961920310f5fb5b32ccf6a27862c961650909b53f6a06de32e23a
ventoy-1.0.78-linux.tar.gz:    be54a79c4c6dba1f39c86158501784ec146c57097e927ee749a231d9ddd62029
ventoy-1.0.78-livecd.iso:      557d5c30c5d03619baad56a3a425ee9f9755fc71d4fdd1da76e38032479599ac

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