github vbuch/node-signpdf v3.1.0
@signpdf/* 3.1.0

latest releases: v3.2.4, v3.2.3, v3.2.2...
7 months ago
  • [utils] Added SIG_FLAGS and ANNOTATION_FLAGS to improve readability;
  • [utils] Reworked findByteRange to match in more cases where it was incompatible so far (it didn't allow optional spaces in the array).
  • [placeholder-pdfkit010] Uses SIG_FLAGS and ANNOTATION_FLAGS instead of magic numbers;
  • [placeholder-pdfkit010] Allow passing in widgetRect to override the default [0, 0, 0, 0] one;
  • [placeholder-plain] Allow passing in widgetRect to override the default [0, 0, 0, 0] one;
  • [placeholder-pdf-lib] Introduce the package that uses PDF-LIB for adding a placeholder;
  • [signpdf] Use the BR position findByteRange provides to spare a search for it;
  • [signpdf] Reexports the Signer base (abstract) class and SignPdfError;
  • [examples] Introduce an example that provides a visible widget (implemented with pdfkit);
  • [examples] Introduce a placeholder-pdf-lib example;
  • Bumped version of axios;

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