github vaticle/typedb 1.4.0
Grakn Core 1.4.0

latest releases: 2.28.3, 2.28.3-rc0, 2.28.2-rc1...
5 years ago

Our beloved Grakn Community, Grakn Core 1.4 is finally released! And, it comes with the very much anticipated: Grakn Workbase! (which you can find at Grakn Workbase 1.0 release)

Grakn Workbase 1.4

Well done to our Grakn Warriors (kuple!) and, as always, thank you so much to our amazing community for helping us improve Grakn every day of the journey!

As we promised in the previous release, we started making smaller faster releases. This release includes 4 key improvements - but major improvements nonetheless, focusing on performance, reliability and usability.

Engine post-processing now happens in real-time

  1. Grakn Engine (aka. server) no longer has a periodic batch postprocessing tasks running in the background. Engine's postprocessing task now runs in real-time! This makes Engine so much faster, and allowed us to also implement the following point.
  2. Grakn Engine no longer depends on Redis! One big system less from the server's dependency, making Grakn much lighter, more stable and reliable.

Grakn now runs on Windows

All our Windows-based community members, we heard you, we did not forget about you! We fought the battle: upgraded Cassandra from 2.17 to 3.11.3, and rearchitected Grakn to bring it to you on Windows! You can download it from our download centre as usual, and choose "Windows" as the OS.

Graql reasons faster

We made Graql's reasoning engine much faster by adding more improvements in rules pruning and in the way Reasoner handles attributes.

  1. Using inferred types when calculating the structural hash of relations
  2. Fixed the vicious circle of attribute playing role with a rule
  3. Attaching disconnected resource during inference no longer throws an exception
  4. Prune rules based on attributes of the head relation

In addition to the above, the following issue in Graql was also fixed.

  1. When an attribute plays a role, other roleplayers no longer (incorrectly) become owners.

What's next?

Read more on our community announcement post!

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