github vapoursynth/vapoursynth R66-RC1

latest releases: R68, R67, R66...
pre-release4 months ago

Slightly less tested than the average RC but nobody will ever notice

updated the supported python versions to 3.12 and 3.8
copyframeprops can now optionally copy only a subset of properties
removeframeprops function now accepts wildcards in property names
added prop_src argument to shuffleplanes
added an access pattern mode when only repeatedly requesting the last frame of a clip
added approximate_gamma option to resizers (saindriches)
added plugin_path property to plugin object in python
audio is now clamped instead of wrapped around in audiomix and audiogain, these functions can also now warn when clipping happens
the vfw wrapper now provides simple waveformatex information automatically if the audio is mono or flagged as plain stereo and samples contain no padding bits
increased the get_frame error message buffer size in python, fewer messages should be truncated now
added missing st428 transfer characteristics to resize
made most graph information functions part of the stable api and bumped the version to 4.1
added new frame request patterns where only the first and/or last frame may be requested multiple times to further improve cache usage
added new api functions for cache clearing
fixed request pattern set for selectevery with multiple identical offsets
fixed request pattern set for premultiply
expose number of bytes used by cache in python and clean up version and str representations of things (setsugennoao)
fixed modifyframe filter not properly copying its own videoinfo which may cause crashes if nothing else references the format node (jsaowji)
fixed setcache function leaking a node reference (jsaowji)

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