github vapor/vapor 4.97.0
4.97.0 - Provide AsyncFileStreaming API

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11 days ago

What's Changed

Provide AsyncFileStreaming API by @0xTim in #3184

Builds on the work of #2998, #3170 and #3167 to provide a full async streaming API that can be used in Swift Concurrency environments:

  • Provides a new asyncStreamFile(at:chunkSize:mediaType:advancedETagComparison:onCompleted:) that takes advantage of the full async response streaming
  • Fixes a number of bugs with the async Response body streaming
  • FileMiddleware is now an AsyncMiddleware
  • Replaces usages of FileManager with NIOFileSystem apart from in one deprecated API that can’t be async
  • Correctly marks XCTVapor functions as noasync where they use .wait() and provides proper async alternatives
This patch was released by @0xTim

Full Changelog: 4.96.0...4.97.0

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