github vapor/vapor 4.22.0
Add validate(query:) method to Validatable protocol

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3 years ago
This patch was authored by @odanylewycz and released by @tanner0101.

Adds validate(query:) method to Validatable protocol for validating decoded query parameters (#2419).

Previously, you could only validate the content that came from the request body. Now, this addition allows for validating decoded query parameters that conform to the Content protocol.

struct Hello: Content, Validatable {
    name: String?

    static func validations(_ validations: inout Validations) {
        validations.add("name", as: String.self, is: .alphanumeric)

And the following URL, http://localhost:8080/model?name=Vapor, you can now validate the query parameter "name" as follows:

try Hello.validate(query: request)
let hello = try req.query.decode(Hello.self)

The existing content validation method validate(_:) has been renamed to validate(content:) to reduce ambiguity.

try Hello.validate(content: request)
let hello = try req.content.decode(Hello.self)

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