github vanjac/chromafiler v0.4.0-beta

latest releases: v0.7.1-beta, v0.7.0-beta, v0.6.1-beta...
21 months ago

See installation instructions.

Note: If you have a previous version installed you will need to uninstall first since the executable name has changed!

  • Added a "welcome" dialog on first launch with common tasks
  • You can now change the default file browser after installation in the settings dialog
  • Fixed tray using incorrect scaling
  • Fixed default position of tray
  • Fixed windows not closing after item is deleted
  • Fixed file format detection when browsing some external devices (eg. Android phones)
  • Items are deselected after double-clicking
  • More specific error messages
  • Installer improvements
    • App can now be installed for a single user
    • Fixed installer launching app as administrator

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