github vanilla-extract-css/vanilla-extract @vanilla-extract/dynamic@2.0.0

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2 years ago

Major Changes

  • #276 4bcbd6f Thanks @markdalgleish! - Add assignInlineVars and setElementVars functions


    Assigns CSS Variables as inline styles.

    // app.tsx
    import { assignInlineVars } from '@vanilla-extract/dynamic';
    import { vars } from './vars.css.ts';
    const MyComponent = () => (
          [vars.colors.brand]: 'pink',
          [vars.colors.accent]: 'green',

    You can also assign collections of variables by passing a theme contract as the first argument. All variables must be assigned or it’s a type error.

    // app.tsx
    import { assignInlineVars } from '@vanilla-extract/dynamic';
    import { vars } from './vars.css.ts';
    const MyComponent = () => (
        style={assignInlineVars(vars.colors, {
          brand: 'pink',
          accent: 'green',

    Even though this function returns an object of inline styles, its toString method returns a valid style attribute value so that it can be used in string templates.

    // app.ts
    import { assignInlineVars } from '@vanilla-extract/dynamic';
    import { vars } from './vars.css.ts';
      <section style="${assignInlineVars({
        [vars.colors.brand]: 'pink',
        [vars.colors.accent]: 'green',


    Sets CSS Variables on a DOM element.

    // app.ts
    import { setElementVars } from '@vanilla-extract/dynamic';
    import { vars } from './styles.css.ts';
    const el = document.getElementById('myElement');
    setElementVars(el, {
      [vars.colors.brand]: 'pink',
      [vars.colors.accent]: 'green',

    You can also set collections of variables by passing a theme contract as the second argument. All variables must be set or it’s a type error.

    // app.ts
    import { setElementVars } from '@vanilla-extract/dynamic';
    import { vars } from './styles.css.ts';
    const el = document.getElementById('myElement');
    setElementVars(el, vars.colors, {
      brand: 'pink',
      accent: 'green',


    These functions replace createInlineTheme, setElementTheme and setElementVar.

    assignInlineVars works as a drop-in replacement for createInlineTheme.

    -createInlineTheme(vars, { brandColor: 'red' });
    +assignInlineVars(vars, { brandColor: 'red' });

    setElementVars works as a drop-in replacement for setElementTheme.

    -setElementTheme(el, vars, { brandColor: 'red' });
    +setElementVars(el, vars, { brandColor: 'red' });

    You can replicate the functionality of setElementVar by passing an object with dynamic keys to setElementVars. This now makes it easy to support setting multiple vars at once.

    -setElementVar(el, vars.brandColor, 'red');
    +setElementVars(el, {
    +  [vars.brandColor]: 'red'

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