github valinet/ExplorerPatcher 22000.469.42.3_fd710a1

pre-release3 years ago

Tested on OS build 22000.434.

New features

  • Implemented Weather widget for the classic taskbar, similar to what is available in the more recent updates to Windows 10. Read more about it here.

Feature enhancements

  • The weather widget recomputes its area automatically, by default, in order to fit its contents, instead of remaining at a fixed size; there is also an option to choose between the two behaviors (.1)
  • Possibility to disable the icon in the weather widget (.1)
  • The weather widget defaults to showing in the preferred language set in Windows, instead of English (#734) (.2)
  • The weather widget shows an error screen when an error happens (like, using an incorrect location, or the network not working etc) (.3)


  • Fixed a bug that prevented the weather widget flyout from displaying correctly when the taskbar was using small icons (#741) (.1)
  • Fixed inconsistencies when displaying the weather widget and the system themes are disabled (aka the classic theme is used) (.1)
  • Screen readers now read the weather data when requested for the weather widget (.1)
  • Changing the Start button style or weather widget layout does not toggle taskbar auto-hide now; instead, the settings take effect immediately (.1)
  • Fixed a bug that could corrupt registry entries of type REG_SZ set via the Properties UI (#734) (.2)
  • Fixed a bug that reset the setting when pressing "Cancel" in an input box in the Properties UI (#734) (.2)
  • The weather widget adjusts its size vertically to accommodate the entire contents (#734) (.3)

Please consult the README for more details.
A detailed change log is available here.
An archive containing all the files generated during the build process (including dxgi.dll and symbol files) is available here.

This release has been published automatically from commits up to and including fd710a1 in branch master.

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