Upgrading · Docs · Get Started
This is a pre-release for the Vaadin 24.7. We appreciate if you give it a try and report any issues you notice. To use this release, you'll need to have following repositories declared in your project (Vaadin pre-releases are not pushed to Maven central) :
- Due to the issue from spring framework, we recommend you to use Springboot 3.4.1 or newer to build Vaadin 24.7 project
- Vaadin 24.7 is compatible with React Router v7, when upgrading application from v24.6, please remove the opt-in feature flag, i.e.:
future={{ v7_startTransition: true }}
, from custom routing file. flow-components
has a dependency onspring-data-commons
to avoid a compilation error in some Eclipse versions due to indirect references. The module does not otherwise depend on Spring. You can exclude the dependency if you cannot have Spring dependencies in your application. If you encounter compilation errors in Eclipse, then you can add an empty org.springframework.data.domain.Pageable class in your application. See vaadin/flow-components#7213 for more details.
- Flow (24.7.0) and Hilla (24.7.0)
- Design System
- Web Components (24.7.1)
- Flow Components (24.7.0.rc2)
- TestBench (9.3.10)
- Feature Pack(24.7.0.rc1)
- Modernization Toolkit (Documentation)
- Feature Pack (Documentation)
- Dragonfly (Documentation)
- Modernization Toolkit Analyzer (Analyzer for Eclipse, Analyzer for Maven)
- Multiplatform Runtime (MPR) (7.0.11)
- Router (2.0.0)
- Vaadin Kits
Official add-ons and plugins: