github vaadin/platform 19.0.8
Vaadin 19.0.8

latest releases: 24.4.2, 24.4.1, 24.4.0...
3 years ago

Vaadin 19.0.8

Vaadin consists of a set of web components, a Java web framework, configurable themes, tools and a set of app templates.

This is a maintenance release of Vaadin.
See the full release notes for vaadin 19.0 in GitHub releases, including new features, getting started, supported browsers and other technologies, and migration notes.

Visit to get started.

New and Noteworthy

Here are the highlighted new and improved features in this maintenance release.

Vaadin Flow (6.0.9)

Changes in Flow from 6.0.8

  • Fixes:
    • Use regular string enum instead of a const enum (#10853). PR:10860
      Given a Java enum as

      pubic enum Environment {
        DEV, TEST, PROD

      Now it is possible to do any object action with the final Environment enum on the client-side:

      Object.keys(Environment).forEach(enumValue => console.log(enumValue));
    • Remove old router layouts content before navigation (#10973). PR:11008. Ticket:345

      Recursively removes content of the all nested router layouts of the given old content when the navigation occurs. This is needed to let Dependency Injection frameworks (Spring and CDI add-ons) to re-create managed components with no duplicates/leftovers.

    • Change construct-style-sheets-polyfill to be a runtime dependency (#10991). PR:10995. Ticket:10988

    • Update the used Opcode from 7 to 8 (#10979). PR:10983. Ticket:10870

      Update used ClassVisitor ASM version from 7 to 8 to support Java16 record

    • Use IOUtils toStream and toString (#10975). PR:10977. Ticket:10893

      Use IOUtils toString and toInputStream to not change any characters in the file content.

    • Enable use of external css using @import (#10953). PR:10962. Ticket:10228

      Add fix for using a external css file by having the @import url(...) in a css file. Also supports imports with media queries.

    • Use defined version for devDependencies. (#10955). PR:10959

    • Allow empty segments at start (#10921). PR:10936. Ticket:10729

    • Log limitation of adding new styles while switching themes (#10894). PR:10928. Ticket:10680

      If there are more than one theme available in themes folder, user can switch between them in development mode by changing the name of the theme in @theme. As having a watch for adding new styles in component folder is 'static', at least a log about this limitation is needed.


Changes in Vaadin-Select-Flow

  • Fixes:
    • disable client side validation PR:986. Ticket:265

webcomponent versions listed in this release 19.0.8


vaadin 19 is supported for one month after Vaadin 20 has been released. The latest LTS (long term support) version is Vaadin 14. More details of our release model are available on our roadmap page.

Vaadin also provides commercial support and warranty.

Getting Started with Vaadin

App starters

The best way to get started with Vaadin is to go to and configure your new application by setting up your views, entities, styles, and the technology stack you’re interested in.

For the full list of how to get started go to the GitHub releases.

Known Issues and Limitations



Reporting Issues

We appreciate if you try to find the most relevant repository to report the issue in. If it is not obvious which project to add issues to, you are always welcome to report any issue at

A few rules of thumb will help you and us in finding the correct repository for the issue:

  1. Bug tickets and enhancement requests that are specific to a certain Vaadin component should be posted in the component's Web Component repostory (e.g. for Button).
  2. Issues that are not component-specific (e.g. requests for new components) or encompass multiple components should be posted in vaadin-flow-components repository.
  3. If you encounter an issue with Flow which does not seem to be related to a specific component, the problem is likely in Flow itself. The Flow repository is
  4. If you encounter an issue with Designer, the repository is
  5. If you encounter an issue with TestBench, the repository is

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