github vaadin/platform 14.1.0.alpha5

latest releases: 14.11.12, 24.4.4, 24.5.0.alpha3...
pre-release4 years ago

Vaadin 14.1.0.alpha5

Vaadin consists of a set of web components, a Java web framework, configurable themes, tools and a set of app templates.

With every major release, we will change and improve things based on your feedback. This may lead to breaking changes, which will be listed for each part of the platform in the breaking changes section.

Visit to get started.


Vaadin 14 is an LTS (long term support) version, which will be supported for 5 years after the GA (general availability) release. More details of our release model are available on our roadmap page.

Vaadin also provides commercial support and warranty.

New and Noteworthy

Here are the highlighted new and improved features in Vaadin 14. To see the full list of bug fixes and improvements, check Included Projects and Change Log.

Vaadin Context Menu:

  • Protected entry point for processing before-open event (needed for GridContextMenu)
  • fix: remove max-height from content part

Vaadin Date Picker:

  • Revert "Clear invalid state when focused date is changed"

Vaadin Select:

  • Removed role attribute from the cloned selected item

Vaadin Grid:

  • Added column-resize event fired on column resize end
  • Exposed scrollToIndex() method as a public API
  • Fix ios detection for iOS 13 iPad
  • Remove will-change from frozen columns on iOS
  • Feature: scroll to index
  • Fix(scrolling): implementation of WheelEvent deltaMode
  • Fix: Fix physical child column reordering
  • Fire 'column-resize' event on column drag resize end

Vaadin Icons:

  • Fix: icon-property values on Turkish locale.
  • Add missing iconset.js to the list of files published to npm

Vaadin Text Field:

  • Improve BigDecimalField's JavaDocs
  • Prevent non-positive step for NumberField and IntegerField
  • Use same default width for BigDecimalField as other number fields
  • Use stable release of the web component
  • Ffix(number-field): prevent readonly value change with keys
  • Fix: prevent entering period to IntegerField on mobile
  • Fix(number-field): reset pointer-events properly
  • IntegerField: override pattern etc. as private

Vaadin Upload:

  • Expose fileRejectedListener
  • Fire all finished event on cancel of the last upload
    -The file-remove event is now dispatched properly
  • Remove event.stopPropagation from file-remove event
  • Add 'npm start' script
  • Explicitly specify port in 'npm start' script
  • Allowing setting the uploadTarget and passing single file to uploadFiles (#293)
  • Change definition of the isMultiple method (#292)

Vaadin Crud (PRO):

  • Editor can now be opened not only as an overlay, but also on the bottom or on the side of the grid (right if LTR or left, otherwise).
  • By using Crud along with CrudGrid, Crud#setEditOnClick enables the user to open/close the editor by clicking on each row of the grid.
  • Rename clickRowToEdit to editOnClick
  • Highlight edited item by setting it selected in the grid
  • Don't toggle selection of a custom grid
  • Prevent trigger "cancel" event twice

npm support

Using Bower for frontend dependencies is currently discouraged (by the author), and npm has become the defacto standard. In Vaadin 14 npm is used as the front-end package manager. Bower (compatibility mode) and WebJars are still fully supported in Vaadin 14. Using npm is the recommended mode in Vaadin 14.


  • Support for npm and ES6 modules
  • Support for Polymer 3 templates
  • Adding @PreserveOnRefresh on a router layout or route will preserve the user-edited component state when the user refreshes the page by reusing the component instances
  • Embedding Flow application is now possible by exporting it as a web component.
  • When executing JavaScript from the server-side Java, it is possible to get the return value of the execution to the server-side using Page.executeJs(String expression, Serializable... parameters)
  • It is possible to obtain details like screen width & height and time zone on the server-side using Page.retrieveExtendedClientDetails( ExtendedClientDetailsReceiver receiver)
  • Simplified styling of application and component with @CssImport


  • Grid rows drag and drop
  • Grid columns auto-width
  • Customise value representation for Grid Pro
  • Menubar component added
  • App Layout with drawer
  • Clear button visibility APIs
  • Dropdown select value change without opening
  • New theme variants for Notification

Changes since 14.1.0.alpha4

Included Projects and Change Log

Vaadin includes the following projects. Release notes with detailed change logs for each project are linked below.

Projects marked as (Pro) are available for users with Pro or Prime subscriptions. Everything else is free and open source.



  • Vaadin Lumo theme (v1.5.0)
  • Vaadin Material theme (v1.2.3).

Java Web Framework


Getting Started with Vaadin 14

App starters

The best way to get started with Vaadin 14 is to go to and pick an app template for the technology stack you’re interested in.

Manually changing Vaadin version for Java projects

Add the following contents to your project pom.xml.


Known Issues and Limitations

This is the prerelease version of Vaadin 14.x for evaluating a number of new features and bug fixes. The API in this prerelease version is not considered final and may change based on user feedback.

OSGi support

  • OSGi with npm does not work in V14.0.0. We are working on a fix for V14.x.
  • OSGi with Bower has problems with V14.0.0 but we are working on a fix to be released in a maintenance version (V14.0.X)


  • The Template-in-Template feature has some limitations
  • There are some issues in using Web Sockets as the Push channel in certain OSGi environments, but long polling works.


  • The dark theme preset does not work in IE11 when applied to the <html> element.

Migrating from Vaadin 8

See the migration guide

Migrating from Vaadin 10-13

See the migration guide

Reporting Issues

We appreciate if you try to find the most relevant repository to report the issue in. If it is not obvious which project to add issues to, you are always welcome to report any issue at

A few rules of thumb will help you and us in finding the correct repository for the issue:

  1. If you encounter an issue when using the HTML/JS API of a component or the component renders incorrectly, the problem is likely in the web component. The web component repositories are named like
  2. If you encounter an issue when using the Java API of a component, the problem is likely in the Flow integration of the web component. The Flow component integration repositories are named like
  3. If you encounter an issue with Flow which does not seem to be related to a specific component, the problem is likely in Flow itself. The Flow repository is
  4. If you encounter an issue with Designer, the repository is
  5. If you encounter an issue with TestBench, the repository is

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