github vaadin/flow 4.0.0.beta1
4.0.0.beta1 - Prerelease for Vaadin 17

latest releases: 23.3.31, 24.3.11, 23.5.1...
pre-release3 years ago

Vaadin Flow 4.0.0.beta1 is a prerelease of the Java Framework targeted to Vaadin 17. To try it out, use the latest 17 prerelease available from the Vaadin prereleases Maven repository.

New features in 4.0

TypeScript API for form binding and validation

The @vaadin/form package includes the Binder API to create forms in TypeScript with lit-html templates. It includes helpers to save and load data, bind data to the UI template, update the form state reactively, and run validation (based on Java Bean validation constraints). See more details in the docs.

Live browser reload when using Java hot-swap tools

When using HotswapAgent, Spring Boot Devtools, or JRebel, the browser is now automatically refreshed as soon as the Java changes have been compiled.

Extended URL parameters support

Parameters in the middle of the URL (#2740) and multiple optional parameters (#4213) are now supported.

Add support for Unit in similar fashion to Vaadin 8 (#8533)

When we have been doing migration assessments of various customer projects, we have learned that usage of methods like setWidth(float width, Unit unit) in Vaadin 8 are rather popular. In order to make migration of such applications easier and support legacy style of setting sizes of components it is useful to have this feature in Flow HasSize as well.

Basic LitTemplate support based on LitElement for Java UIs (#8041)

Supports @id mapping in the same way as PolymerTemplate. Contrary to PolymerTemplate, contains no special support for template in template, @uses or a template model. For more details see the PR #8041.

Behavior or Incompatible Changes

The PWA install prompt feature was removed because it will not be supported other browsers than Chrome. The parameter enableInstallPrompt was removed from the @PWA annotation. See more details from #8038.

New data binding API for components

Component's are now have an API for getting and manipulating of the in-memory data, such as exporting data, traversing between items, add/remove operations, and more (#8074).
Lazy data loading components have now an ability to set only a data fetch callback with no knowledge of item count, as well as an API for lazy loading customisation (#8052).

Support for the paged repositories (#8557).

Data fetching from the paged repositories becomes easier with a page number and page size getters. This information can be obtained from a Query parameter within the fetch and count callbacks.

New mixin interface for components with label definition (#3241)

HasLabel mixin interface has been added to provide the Components with a setter and getter for a label definition.

Adding a way to mark the fields as required (#8551)

Made more clear for the developer how to mark a field as required when defining custom field validators in TypeScript Binder API.

Adding a feature to populate the component with any bean (#7307, #7308)

The methods for setting the whole bean, list or map have been added to Element API. This allows the developer to get rid of multiple setProperty calls for particular bean fields.

Vaadin Maven Plugin enhancements (#8603, #8603)

Adding a way to specify the node download URL from the Vaadin Maven Plugin and exposing the settings node.version and

Binder's clear method enhancements (#8619)

Calling Binder::clear() now resets the default value to 'empty' and clears all validation errors.

@PastOrPresent and @FutureOrPresent validation (#8684)

Broken client-side validation for @PastOrPresent and @FutureOrPresent has been removed (in favor of server-side-only validation).

Default validation message in annotations is passed to client (#8385)

Default JSR-380 error messages are now used in client-side validators.

Component::addListener registrations have been made idempotent (#8506)

IllegalArgumentException is not thrown now when calling remove() method multiple times on a Registration returned from Component::addListener (or its derivates).

Binder's error messaging enhancements (#8631)

Server-side error message now is shown on bound form fields if Binder::submitTo fails.

Adding a method to retrieve the LocationChangeEvent from an AfterNavigationEvent (#8727)

The AfterNavigationEvent now has an access to the LocationChangeEvent so as to easily retrieve the UI instance.

Add LocalTime type support in Endpoints (#8737)

LocalTime is now a supported type in Endpoint, and <vaadin-time-picker> can be used in a TypeScript form.

Deprecations and Incompatible Changes since 3.1

A new API for Binding Items to Components:

  • HasDataProvider and HasItems are now replaced by new HasListDataView, HasLazyDataView and HasDataView interfaces in Grid, Select and CheckBoxGroup. It will be also gradually replaced in other components which have an items binding.
  • setDataProvider() is now deprecated and overloaded setItems methods are recommended to use.
  • setItems methods now have a return type instead of void.
  • HasItemsAndComponents interface has been replaced by HasItemComponents in order to support the Data View API in in-memory binding components.
  • HasHierarchicalDataProvider no longer has setItems overloads for Collection, Stream and Array.

URL parameters template feature:

  • BeforeEvent has a bunch of new methods for forwarding, rerouting and getting the parameters. Some methods are now deprecated or removed.
  • RouteRegistry, SessionRouteRegistry interfaces are now supplemented with new methods and deprecate getters for route layouts.
  • com.vaadin.flow.server.startup.RouteTarget has been completely removed. This class was internal and should not have been used by anyone. In case you have been using it, please create an issue describing what you needed it for.

PWA install popup feature removed:

The HTML API beforeinstallprompt that is a basis for this feature, has been removed from the spec w3c/manifest#835 as Safari and Mozilla will not implement it. This means that the only way to install the app will be by “from UI provided by the browser”, not the app/website. So as this feature would not be supported in all browsers, it has been removed from Vaadin. PWA::enableInstallPrompt, PwaConfiguration::isInstallPromptEnabled and PwaRegistry::getInstallPrompt have been removed accordingly. The users should install the app through the browsers menu instead.


All changes since 4.0.0.alpha3
All changes since 3.1

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