github vaadin/flow 3.2.0.alpha6
3.2.0.alpha6 - Prerelease for Vaadin 17

latest releases: 24.5.0.alpha4, 24.3.12, 24.4.2...
pre-release4 years ago

Vaadin Flow 3.2.0.alpha6 is a prerelease of the Java Framework targeted to the upcoming Vaadin 17. (

Changes since 3.2.0.alpha5
All changes since 3.1

3.2 Feature Highlights

TypeScript API for form binding and validation

The @vaadin/form package includes the Binder API to create forms in TypeScript with lit-html templates. It includes helpers to save and load data, bind data to the UI template, update the form state reactively, and run validation (based on Java Bean validation constraints). See more details in the docs.

Live browser reload when using Java hot-swap tools

When using HotswapAgent, Spring Boot Devtools, or JRebel, the browser is now automatically refreshed as soon as the Java changes have been compiled.

Extended URL parameters support

Parameters in the middle of the URL (#2740) and multiple optional parameters (#4213) are now supported.

Behavior or Incompatible Changes

The PWA install prompt feature was removed because it will not be supported other browsers than Chrome. The parameter enableInstallPrompt was removed from the @PWA annotation. See more details from #8038.

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