github vaadin/flow 3.1.0.beta1
3.1.0.beta 1 - Prerelease for Vaadin 16

latest releases: 24.4.4, 24.3.13, 24.5.0.alpha6...
pre-release4 years ago

Vaadin Flow 3.1.0.beta1 is a prerelease of the Java Framework targeted to Vaadin 16. To try it out, use the latest 16 prerelease available from the Vaadin prereleases Maven repository.

Notable changes since 3.1.0.alpha2

  • When using pnpm, user specified local package.json dependencies are considered instead of "locked" dependencies coming from Vaadin (#8108)
  • The enableInstallPrompt parameter for the @PWA annotation has been deprecated, as the install prompt will be removed in an upcoming release and not shown anymore (#8038)

All changes since 3.1.0.alpha2
All changes since 3.0

3.1 Feature Highlights

Automatic Node installation

  • Available from Vaadin versions 14.2 and 16
  • If no global or local Node installation is found Node will be automatically installed to ~/.vaadin
    • Only requires the first project to install as later can use the same installation
    • No need to have Node installed for CI
  • Uses proxy data from
    • System properties
    • {project}/.npmrc
    • ~/.npmrc
    • Environment variables

pnpm is the default frontend package manager

  • Now pnpm is used by default instead of npm
    • npm was still default in Vaadin 14.2 and 15
  • No migration needed - pnpm is installed once to /.vaadin inside home folder. See differences here for more information about what has changed

Devmode is run as a separate thread to speed up server startup

  • Allows server to continue startup parallel to Flow development mode process which runs pnpm/npm and webpack build
  • The browser shows a white page that is automatically refreshed to open app once devmode process has finished
  • As server is started up faster, there is no timeout from "run from IDE" or from server plugins

Minor improvements in 3.1

  • API in UI for switching between direction RTL / LTR (document.dir)
  • Flow 3.1 contains all improvements shipped in Flow 2.2.0.beta1, see release notes for detailed list.

Known Issues and Limitations in 3.1

  • pnpm is not able to resolve dependencies to git commits with the "short" hash format. See details and workaround from #7406.

Deprecations since 3.0

  • The enableInstallPrompt parameter for the @PWA annotation has been deprecated, as the install prompt will be removed an upcoming version and not shown anymore #8038

Incompatible Changes in 3.1

  • The com.vaadin.flow.component.Direction class has been changed to an enum and the method getDirectionForLocale(java.util.Locale) has been removed.
  • Some Flow internal classes related to frontend tooling installation & running have changes that are not backwards compatible. Nobody should be using these classes in their application code - in case you are, you should create an issue about what you're trying to achieve and why, so that a proper way to support that use case can be considered instead of relying on internal classes.

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