github vaadin/flow 3.0.2
Maintenance release Flow 3.0.2 for Vaadin 15

latest releases: 2.10.5, 24.5.0.alpha1, 24.4.0.beta5...
4 years ago

Vaadin Flow 3.0.2 is a maintenance release for Vaadin 15 with the following changes:

Warranty Fixes:

  • Fixed the issue with the @JsModule annotation that if it was used in an Addon, the referred resources could not be resolved (#7752).

Bugfixes and enhancements

  • Changed the default body width from 100vwto 100% so that it does not show an unnecessary horizontal scrollbar when the content vertically overflows the body element (#7611).
  • Fixed the issue with the Anchor component that calling setHref() removed the "router-ignore" attribute set by a user (#7804).
  • Fixed the issue with the @Endpoint annotation that the value was not detected by TypeScript generator if it was defined in the format of @Endpoint(value=VALUE)(#7671).

See all the changes in Flow 3.0.2

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