github vaadin/flow 3.0.0.alpha9
3.0.0.alpha9 - Pre-release

latest releases: 24.4.1, 24.4.0, 24.4.0.rc2...
pre-release4 years ago

Vaadin Flow 3.0.0.alpha9 is a pre-release of Vaadin Flow 3.0.0

The major breaking change in the Flow 3.x.x series is added support for TypeScript and the change in bootstrapping and routing from server-driven to client-driven.

New features in 3.0.0.alpha9:

  • A new AppShell Java API for configuring the index.html page when using client-side bootstrapping (#7050)
    • Allows adding <meta> tags into the index.html page by adding @Meta annotations on the AppShell class (#7050)
    • Allows turning the app into a PWA by adding the @PWA annotation on the AppShell class (#7063)
  • Spring 5.2.0 and Spring Boot 2.2.0 are supported (#7028)

DX and documentation improvements in 3.0.0.alpha9:

See the complete list of changes in 3.0.0.alpha9

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