github vaadin/flow 3.0.0.alpha5
3.0.0.alpha5 - Pre-release

latest releases: 24.5.0.alpha4, 24.3.12, 24.4.2...
pre-release4 years ago

Vaadin Flow 3.0.0.alpha5 is a pre-release of Vaadin Flow 3.0.0

The major breaking change in the Flow 3.x.x series is added support for TypeScript and the change in bootstrapping and routing from server-driven to client-driven.

Bugfixes in 3.0.0.alpha5:

  • consider servlet context when server navigation (#6638)

Other work in 3.0.0.alpha5

  • client-side bootstrap classes re-factoring (#6624)

    • rename ClientIndex prefixed classes to IndexHtml
    • move IndexHtmlRequestHandler close to other request handlers
    • remove the getSession() method from the IndexHtmlResponse
    • throw when the deprecated BootstrapListener API is used in client-side mode
  • V14 BootstrapListener API remains available in V15, so using it does
    not result in compiler errors. However, it is not actually used at the
    run time unless the app is started with a 'clientSideMode=false' compatibility
    flag. This silent ignore may cause hard-to-debug issues. In order to avoid
    them, using the V14 API when the compatibility flag is not set now throws
    an IllegalStateException.

See complete list of changes in 3.0.0.alpha5

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