github vaadin/flow 24.5.1
Vaadin Flow 24.5.1

latest release: 24.5.2
one day ago

Changes since 24.5.0

All changes

New features


  • Use capture for dragLeave (#20291)
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  • Support client route parameters in auto layout path matching (#20284)
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    Improves navigation path matching with client route templates. Adds support for matching with route parameters to find automatic Flow main layout for client routes.

  • Check for client route conflicts (#20188)
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  • Clear CurrentInstance before invoking new session tasks (#6349) (#20255)
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    Commands enqueued by VaadinSession.access() in general have nothing to do with each other. The only thing they have in common is they share the same VaadinSession (and, by implication, VaadinService). Therefore, if command №1 invoked UI.setCurrent() and command №2 invokes UI.getCurrent(), command №2 should read null, not the random UI from command №1 that it has nothing to do with.

  • Prevent possible error on embedded component disconnect (#20260)
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