github vaadin/flow 24.4.0.beta6
Vaadin Flow 24.4.0.beta6

latest releases: 24.4.4, 24.5.0.alpha6, 24.5.0.alpha5...
pre-releaseone month ago

Changes since 24.4.0.beta5

All changes

New features


  • Force page reload on re-sync with MPR (#19422)
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  • Use react useBlocker hook for navigation (#19493)
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    Original author was @platosha . Reverts last few commits from #19084 to make functionality less broken.

  • Add missing reflection hints for flow-components (#19460)
    Commit · Pull request · Issue

    Configures additional reflection hints required by flow-components for native image.

  • Use maven project classpath to detect Hilla presence (#19464)
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    If the project does not define the frontendHotdeploy property, the Flow maven plugins tries to detecte the correct value by analysing project files and looking for Hilla presence by checking for its classes in classpath. However, when FrontendUtils.isHillaUsed() method is called from the maven mojo it can return a wrong value, since Class.forName check is performed using the plugin classloader that do not contain Hilla artifacts. This change makes the mojo isFrontendHotdeploy() method using the project classpath to check for Hilla presence.

  • Prevent prepare-frontend to remove Hilla generated files (#19452)
    Commit · Pull request · Issue

  • Add missing hints to fix native compilation (#19455)
    Commit · Pull request · Issues 19405, 19405

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