github vaadin/flow 24.4.0.alpha6
Vaadin Flow 24.4.0.alpha6

latest releases: 24.4.4, 24.5.0.alpha6, 24.5.0.alpha5...
pre-release4 months ago

Changes since 24.4.0.alpha5

All changes

New features

  • Use React/Lit auto-detection to add Hilla components
    Commit · Pull request · Issues 18564, 2015

    Adds Hilla components to package.json automatically in build time, so that developers don't need to swap hilla-react and hilla-lit artifacts in the pom dependencies.

  • Apply auto-detection of Hilla application
    Commit · Pull request · Issue

  • Add utility to auto-detect Hilla views usage
    Commit · Pull request

    Adds FrontendUtils.isHillaViewsUsed(File frontendDir) to check if Hilla views are used in routes.ts or routes.tsx file. This does the check based on these two files only and the routes array variable content without doing any validation. Hilla views are in use in following cases based on the routes array: - If file does not contain ...serversideRoutes - If routes contains anything else in addition to ...serversideRoutes - If tsx has ...serversideRoutes in MainLayout's children array Hilla views are not used in following case: - If ...serversideRoutes is the only item

  • Section and IFrame implements HasAriaLabel
    Commit · Pull request · Issue

    Implement HasAriaLabel for html elements with a landmark role

  • Create and load WebComponent
    Commit · Pull request

    Add method to create and load the WebComponent using one method if nothing specific wanted or needed for createElement. Part of #18401

  • Add loadComponentScript method
    Commit · Pull request

    Add the loadComponentScript method to Flow.tsx to be used when WebComponents are loaded for Hilla views. part of #18401


If a package.json template cannot be found for any reason, Flow catches it and logs an error message.

  • Fix regression NPE in binder
    Commit · Pull request · Issue

    This patch fixes a regression in Binder introduced by adding skipDefaultValidator API (#18549). This issue was missed since it seems to be impossible/difficult to trigger via unit testing using the mock field components in Flow project. Affected flow-components tests: UpdateEditorComponentIT DynamicEditorKBNavigationIT GridViewEditorIT.dynamicNotBufferedEditor_closeEditorUsingKeyboard GridViewEditorIT.dynamicNotBufferedEditor GridViewEditorIT.dynamicNotBufferedEditor_navigateUsingKeyboard

  • Add a lang attribute to the html tag of the browser-too-old.html
    Commit · Pull request · Issue

    Specify a lang attribute so a screen reader doe not assume that the page is in the default language that the user chose when setting up the screen reader.

  • Remove caching of AppShellConfigurator classes to fix injection
    Commit · Pull request · Issue

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