github vaadin/flow 24.3.19
Vaadin Flow 24.3.19

19 hours ago

Changes since 24.3.18

All changes


  • Clear CurrentInstance before invoking new session tasks (#6349) (#20255)
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    Commands enqueued by VaadinSession.access() in general have nothing to do with each other. The only thing they have in common is they share the same VaadinSession (and, by implication, VaadinService). Therefore, if command №1 invoked UI.setCurrent() and command №2 invokes UI.getCurrent(), command №2 should read null, not the random UI from command №1 that it has nothing to do with.

  • Resolve route parameters when rerouting and forwarding with query parameters (#20210) (CP: 24.3)
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  • Consider layout prefixes when checking for route and alias paths (#20126)
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  • Allow null response in logout (#20057) (CP: 24.3)
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    Don't throw NullPointerException in case of null VaadinServletResponse in AuthenticationContext#logout. Tolerate null response better in case when running with @Push(transport = Transport.WEBSOCKET), or when response is null for some other reason. Makes logout also work in WEBSOCKET mode by automatically switching to WEBSOCKET_XHR for one additional request that executes logout.

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