github vaadin/flow 24.3.0.alpha2
Vaadin Flow 24.3.0.alpha2

latest releases: 24.4.4, 24.3.13, 24.5.0.alpha6...
pre-release8 months ago

Changes since 24.3.0.alpha1

All changes

Breaking changes

  • Upgrade to Spring-Boot 3.2 pre-release
    Pull request

    Upgrades Vaadin Spring add-on to use Spring-Boot 3.2 pre-release (RC1). This upgrade shouldn't bring any breaking changes to Vaadin Flow applications, but might need a migration for other dependencies, e.g. H2 database or Hibernate. See Release Notes for breaking changes, features and deprecations in this version.

  • Replace outdated WebPush dependency
    Commit · Pull request

    Upgrades to another WebPush implementation dev.blanke.webpush:webpush, which is better maintained. nl.martijndwars.webpush.Subscription and nl.martijndwars.webpush.Keys need calls to the methods, not to the fields: e.g. before - subscription.endpoint;, after - subscription.endpoint();.

New features

  • Allow plugging in a modifier for vaadin.ts
    Commit · Pull request

    This allows addons to contribute TS/JS content to the application regardless if Hilla or Flow is used

  • Add default I18N provider bean for Spring
    Commit · Pull request · Issue

    Extends DefaultI18NProvider (#5917) for Spring. VaadinApplicationConfiguration defines DefaultI18NProvider bean and initializes it with locales based on translation properties files found in the classpath under '/vaadin-i18n' path.

  • Support using Bun for package installation
    Commit · Pull request

    Bun is faster at installing packages than both npm and pnpm. It works like npm with --prefer-offline, which we would want to use but cannot as it does not work in npm (npm fails instead of downloads missing local packages) Limitations:

  • Add more properties with the typed API in Style
    Commit · Pull request

  • Add Component/Element to ErrorEvent
    Commit · Pull request · Issue

    Now it is possible to query for the element/component that threw the exception leading to the ErrorEvent. ---------

  • Add handleDisconnect method to plugin
    Commit · Pull request

    Add the possibility to be notified when the devTools is disconnected from the client.


  • Throw WebPushException for sendNotification
    Commit · Pull request · Issue

    Throw a WebPushException when sending of notification fails.

  • Fix web push compilation error
    Commit · Pull request

  • Load chunks for component parents
    Commit · Pull request · Issue

    When using the default production bundle, the chunk for a specific Flow component subclass may not be present (e.g. MyChart < Chart). However, the required imports are in the bundle, associated with the chunk id of the parent class. This change forces the load of potential chunks for all parent classes in the component hierarchy.

  • Send markAsUsed only when Theme Editor is opened first time
    Commit · Pull request

  • Page calculation when not equally divisible
    Commit · Pull request · Issue

    cases where the offset is not equally divisible with the limit/pageSize.

  • Show Hilla version when Hilla is available
    Commit · Pull request · Issue

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