github vaadin/flow 24.2.0.beta1
Vaadin Flow 24.2.0.beta1

pre-release11 months ago

Changes since 24.2.0.alpha9

All changes

This is a Flow 24.2 beta pre-release for Vaadin 24.2.

Flow 24.2 is based on Jakarta EE 10 / Servlet 6.0 specifications, uses Spring Framework 6 / Spring-boot 3 and requires JDK 17+.

New features

  • Server-side API for Web Push Notifications
    Acceptance Criteria

    Vaadin provides an API in Flow to send Web Push Notifications from the server to the client's browsers.
    Read more about Web Push API in our online documentation and try base starter or CRM example project, that shows how to store Web Push subscriptions in database.

    Related pull requests: #16994 #17182 #17209 #17364.

  • Incremental Gradle builds for vaadinPrepareFrontendTask
    Commit · Pull request · Issue · Acceptance Criteria

    Defines the inputs and outputs for vaadinPrepareFrontendTask of Vaadin Gradle plugin making it possible to skip the task and safe build time if inputs and outputs are not changed, e.g. if project configuration not changed and no clean-up made, giving UP-TO-DATE result, according to incremental builds feature.

    Can be turned off with:

     vaadin {
         alwaysExecutePrepareFrontend = true

    Read more about this feature in our online documentation.

  • Faster server reloads for Spring-based applications
    Acceptance Criteria

    Server reload time in Vaadin 24.2 is less by ~53% than for Vaadin 24.1, which gives a better developer experience for live-reload of Java changes.
    This was made by caching the various internal Flow data between server reloads and by optimising File Watcher time intervals.
    The later depends on the project, here you can find the recommendations on how to customise Spring-Boot Dev Tools to make live-reload faster.

    Related pull requests: #17591 #17604 #17621 #17701

  • Dev Tools plugin support
    Commit · Pull request

    You can implement a Dev Tools plugin, i.e. a tab or component that is accessible in Vaadin's Dev Tools window when you run in development mode, by

    • Adding a class that implements DevToolsMessageHandler to handle messages from the browser
    • Annotate the class with @JsModule(value="./my-plugin.ts", developmentOnly = true) to load the client side part
    • Add a service loader metadata file src/main/resources/META-INF/services/com.vaadin.base.devserver.DevToolsMessageHandler with the name of the class The client side part needs to register itself using
      const plugin: DevToolsPlugin = { init: function (devToolsInterface: DevToolsInterface): void { // Add a tab using the interface, store the reference for communication later } }; (window as any).Vaadin.devToolsPlugins.push(plugin);

    See documentation draft for more details, this will be published soon to online documentation.

  • Add API for Web Storage
    Commit · Pull request · Issue

    Add server-side API for Browser's Web Storage (window.localStorage && window.sessionStorage).

  • Theme Editor input overlays
    Commit · Pull request

  • Introduce Theme Editor tests
    Commit · Pull request · Issue

    Create test module for a Theme Editor.

  • Theme Editor undo/redo shortcuts
    Commit · Pull request · Issue

    Support undo/redo shortcuts for a Theme Editor.

  • Support for vaadin-custom-field, vaadin-upload in Theme Editor
    Commit · Pull request

  • Theme Editor Grid and TreeGrid support, fixed issue with Java Parser and unsupported Records
    Commit · Pull request

  • Allow modifying QueryParameters
    Commit · Pull request · Issue

  • Fail fast when Vaadin Plugin is used with an unsupported version of Gradle
    Commit · Pull request · Issue

    Checks the Gradle version when applying the plugin and fails fast if it is unsupported.

  • Add deactivate event for Dev Tools tabs
    Commit · Pull request

  • Introduce manual validation mode for manual control of invalid state
    Commit · Pull request

  • Prevent logging of ignored exceptions
    Commit · Pull request · Issue

    Flow default error handler logs all caught exceptions. However, there may be exceptions thrown by servlet container that are meant to be tracked only at debug level (e.g. Jetty QuietException implementors). This change prevents logging of similar 'quiet' exception, unless the DefaultErrorHandler logger level is set to debug or higher.

  • Track Hilla version in the usage statistics file
    Commit · Pull request

  • Add Platform::getHillaVersion() method
    Commit · Pull request

  • Development mode only scripts using AtJsModule(developmentOnly=true)
    Commit · Pull request

    Goal is to enable to load dev tools related scripts.

  • Overloaded RouteParam constructor with Integer and Long
    Commit · Pull request · Issue

  • Added shorthands for QueryParameters class
    Commit · Pull request · Issue

  • Improve error messages in Text methods
    Commit · Pull request · Issue

    Make sure that calling methods inherited from HasStyles and that doesn't make sense in Text, throw a UnsupportedOperationException with a descriptive message. The methods that got better error messages are those that could update a component: addClassName, removeClassName, setClassName, addClassNames, removeClassNames.

  • Dispatch popstate event on server-side navigation
    Commit · Pull request

  • Grid-pro metadata, minor grid metadata update
    Commit · Pull request

  • Overlay resolver, metadata for overlay components
    Commit · Pull request

  • Upgrade Pnpm version to latest 8.6.11
    Pull request

  • Update navigation method signatures
    Commit · Pull request · Issue

    This change makes UI#navigate, BeforeEvent#rerouteTo and BeforeEvent#forwardTo methods more consistent without changing the existing API:

    • adds new methods in BeforeEvent that accepts route parameters.
    • adds new methods in BeforeEvent that accepts query parameters.
    • improves forwardTo and rerouteTo to accept route parameters being part of the location String (same way as UI#navigate does it already).
  • Record usage statistics when incremental build feature is disabled
    Commit · Pull request

  • Added methods to prevent default and stopping propagation
    Commit · Pull request · Issue


  • Prevent deadlock when accessing FeatureFlags
    Commit · Pull request · Issue

  • Synchronise cache maps in SpringLookupInitializer
    Commit · Pull request

    To avoid possibility to get ConcurrentModificationException.

  • Delay requests to dev-server during restart
    Commit · Pull request · Issue

    The dev-server may restart itself when some resources are modified. In this situation incoming requests fails with a connection exception until the server is ready again. This change introduces a check that delays requests that happen during dev-server restart until the reboot operation has completed.

  • Update types.d.ts if needed
    Commit · Pull request

    If the content for types.d.ts has updated update the file contents even if it already exists.

  • Fix setItems error message to be compliant with the current implementation
    Commit · Pull request · Issue

    In HasLazyDataView.setItems the error message says: "Trying to use exact size with a lazy loading component without either providing a count callback for the component to fetch the count of the items or a data provider that implements the size query. Provide the callback for fetching item count with component.getLazyDataView().withDefinedSize(CallbackDataProvider.CountCallback); or switch to undefined size with component.getLazyDataView().withUndefinedSize();" Since 2020 the API has changed. This fixes javadoc to be consistent with the implementation.

  • Generate d.ts for dev tools so plugins can use it
    Commit · Pull request

  • Load Vaadin version from
    Commit · Pull request · Issue

    vaadin-core-versions.json file is present both in vaadin-core.jar and hilla.jar. For hybrid projects, the outcome of Platform.getVaadinVersion() is un-deterministic. This causes the function to parse file instead.

  • Avoid clearing Vaadin UI-scoped Spring beans on re-sync
    Commit · Pull request · Issue

    Spring beans scoped with 'vaadin-ui' scope name (UIScope annotated) are normally cleared when VaadinUIScope detach handler is called. Usually its done when UI is closing. Re-synchronization is an exception. With this fix, resync will call VaadinUIScope detach handler as before, but it doesn't clear bean storage unless UI is marked explicitly for closing.

  • Only import theme files from the active theme
    Commit · Pull request · Issue

  • Add support for Java Time types for Element properties
    Commit · Pull request · Issue

    Allows POJOs with Java Time members to be serialized as Element JSON properties. To avoid breaking changes, the Object mapper WRITE_DATES_AS_TIMESTAMPS feature is left as default, so some types such as LocalTime, LocaDate and LocalDateTime are serialised as arrays of numbers, as documented in Jackson JavaTimeModule.

  • Do not force chokidar version
    Commit · Pull request

    The old chokidar version was used by Webpack 4.

  • Set restart monitor before checking for dev server connection
    Commit · Pull request

    If hot reload is enabled, e.g. with Spring Dev Tools, during Java server restart the check for active dev-server connection may temporarily fail because the dev-server is restarting. This change finds and sets the currently active restart monitor before checking for dev-server connection, so that the check will wait for a potential restart to complete.

  • Disable Java live reload if theme editor is opened
    Commit · Pull request · Issue

    Enabled Java live reload closes theme editor which in turn leads to loosing user context.

  • Fail when adding null component event listener
    Commit · Pull request

    Currently, it is possible to add component event listeners pointing to a null reference. At runtime an NPE is thrown, but for an internal wrapper class, making difficult to spot where the null reference comes from. This change will throw immediately if null is given as a component event listener.

  • Fixed issue with using child selector, accordion metadata updates
    Commit · Pull request

  • Do not register requests while flush in progress
    Commit · Pull request

    This change replaces the flush request canceling approach using a "flush in progress" flag. While a registered flush is triggered, until it ends, no other flush requests will be registered. With this change, any edge cases regarding registering multiple flush requests during the same round-trip should be dealt properly.

  • Do not include dev dependencies when locking versions using package.json
    Commit · Pull request · Issue

  • Add webpush to flow-bom
    Commit · Pull request

    Update bad error handler message.

  • Remove frontend directory from prepare frontend output list
    Commit · Pull request

  • Binder throws NPE and eats a relevant exception
    Commit · Pull request

  • Set Kotlin language version
    Commit · Pull request · Issue

    Set the Kotlin language version to be the same as java.

  • Update Gradle to support JDK 20
    Commit · Pull request · Issue

    Update tests and Gradle wrapper so that it can be run with JDK 20.

  • Use released commons-fileupload2
    Commit · Pull request · Issue

    Switch to using the released commons-fileupload2-jakarta instead of the old self maintained copy flow-commons-upload.

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