github vaadin/flow 23.1.2
Vaadin Flow 23.1.2

latest releases: 24.4.4, 24.3.13, 24.5.0.alpha6...
2 years ago

Changes since 23.1.1

All changes

New features


  • Set preventAssignment to true to avoid warnings (#14045)
    Commit · Pull request · Issue

  • Delay license check if websocket connection not available (#14016)
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    If you open a view with <vaadin-chart> on it you might see Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'send' on 'WebSocket': Still in CONNECTING state. at Connection.send at Connection.sendLicenseCheck and the chart is not displayed at all. Navigating to another view and back "fixes" the issue. This fixes the problem by delaying sending of any data over the websocket until it is available

  • Override missing osgi dependency (#13965)
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    Override org.osgi.service:org.osgi.service.prefs dependency because it has a different group ID now.

  • Scan Hilla packages by default (#13942)
    Commit · Pull request

    This removes the need to manually specify dev.hilla in the whitelist, something that should be considered an internal detail

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