github uxlfoundation/oneTBB v2021.8.0
oneTBB 2021.8.0

latest releases: v2022.0.0, v2021.2.5, v2022.0.0-rc1...
22 months ago

oneTBB is happy to introduce 2021.8.0 release!

🔨 Fixed Issues

  • Fixed oneapi::tbb::concurrent_bounded_queue::pop return type (GitHub* #807).
  • Fixed oneapi::tbb::concurrent_queue and oneapi::tbb::concurrent_bounded_queue with non-default constructible value types (GitHub* #885).
  • Fixed incorrect splitting of iteration space in case there is no support for proportional splitting in custom ranges.

See our Release Notes to learn more about known limitations and new features.

sha256 sums for packages

ee410e991bb44ce11437fbf93abedc7c4b1d0cb254e9b91cc2e0ddb0f5375566  oneapi-tbb-2021.8.0-lin.tgz
9d620781d12d36a279bb27f4feb8c3b25d12c133e0d5b8661b867405d2445ee8  oneapi-tbb-2021.8.0-mac.tgz


Thanks to everyone who helped us make 2021.8.0 release possible!

@prcups, @AnuyaWelling2801, @kopalja, @kboyarinov, @ValentinaKats, @alexandraepan, @pavelkumbrasev , @isaevil , @aleksei-fedotov, @phprus , @egfefey

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