github uwdata/mosaic v0.10.0

11 days ago


  • Breaking: Update bin transform declarative spec to support top-level option properties, remove options object as second argument.
  • Breaking: Remove coordinator configure method. It was confusing and involved interactions among settings.
  • Breaking: Refactor clause generators for better clarity (clauseInterval instead of just interval).
  • Add default client set construction to selection clause helpers.
  • Add date interval support to bin transform. A new interval option specifies a desired date/time unit (hour, day, month, etc) or forces standard numerical binning (number). If not specified, a reasonable date/time interval and step size will be determined automatically for temporal data. (#427)
  • Add dateBin SQL helper method.
  • Add empty flag to selections. If true, selections with no clauses will not select any values. If false (the default), selections with no clauses select all data values.
  • Add as selection option to Table input, for clauses corresponding to selected table row values.
  • Add rLabel plot attribute.
  • Add support for plot aspectRatio property when auto-calculating heights at the Mosaic level.
  • Add groupby and flexible column reference support to hexbin mark queries.
  • Add more flexible groupby handling in data cube index column analysis.
  • Add pending() method to AsyncDispatch to track param/selection event processing.
  • Fix plot legend to check for plot label attributes.
  • Fix table offset reset upon external updates. (#363)
  • Fix empty data handling in regression mark.
  • Fix query error handling in coordinator and clients.
  • Update data cube indexer to operate over selection-client pairs directly. Use a single indexer per coordinator. Remove coordinator-internal FilterGroup class.
  • Update toDataColumns utility, move from mosaic-plot to mosaic-core. This method maps Apache Arrow data to native JS values.
  • Update internal query result promise to a proper class.
  • Update test cases for client and selection lifecycle methods. (h/t @matys1)
  • Update python libs to enable uv via installer key. (thanks @peter-gy)
  • Update dependencies, use DuckDB 1.0.0.

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