github uselagoon/lagoon v1.6.0
Welcome Drupal 9! - v1.6.0

latest releases: v2.18.2, v2.18.1, v2.18.0...
3 years ago

Drupal 9 support, Lagoon metadata and Trivy scanning

  • The main reason for this release is to ensure that our images and infrastructure are ready to support Drupal 9 on release day. We’ll also be releasing a blog post outlining what we’ve put in place.
  • This release has also added customisable metadata fields to Lagoon projects, contributed by @stooit (and thanks to Salsa Digital) - we’ll expand more on what’s possible with this, and why it’s so important shortly.
  • Also, in big ticket items, we have updated the image and vulnerability scanning component bundled with our Harbor install to use Trivy (instead of Clair). In our tests, Trivy not only detected more vulnerabilities, but was significantly less resource-heavy, and returned faster results - triple win!

Update to v1.6.0

With #1917 landed within Lagoon v1.6.0 we're now labeling all new created OpenShift and Kubernetes Namespaces with two new Labels: and
In order to label all existing namespaces please use this script:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

while read PROJECT; do
  echo "Handling lagoon project ${PROJECT}"
  while read LINE; do
    NAMESPACE=$(echo "$LINE" | awk '{print $5}')
    ENVIRONMENT=$(echo "$LINE" | awk '{print $2}')
    if kubectl get ns ${NAMESPACE} &> /dev/null; then
      PATCH="{\"metadata\": {\"labels\": {\"\": \"${PROJECT}\", \"\": \"${ENVIRONMENT}\"}}}"
      echo "Updating namespace labels for ${NAMESPACE}"
      kubectl patch ns "${NAMESPACE}" -p "${PATCH}"
      echo "${NAMESPACE} not found on this cluster"
  done < <(lagoon list environments --no-header --project="${PROJECT}")
done < <(lagoon list projects --no-header | awk '{print $2}')

this requires lagoon-cli >=v0.9.1 and kubectl, both fully authenticated against Lagoon and an OpenShift/Kubernetes cluster, run the script for each cluster that is managed by Lagoon.

Changes in this release

API & Authentication subsystem

  • Re-implement JWT generation script using pyjwt @smlx (#1830)
  • Added support to arbitrary project metadata key/value pairs @stooit (#1775)

Admin & User Interfaces subsystem

Build & Deploy subsystem

Logging & Reporting subsystem

Base Images & Testing subsystem

Documentation & Examples / DX subsystem

Automation, Services & Helpers subsystem

Security subsystem

  • Re-implement JWT generation script using pyjwt @smlx (#1830)

Release side notes

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