Self-managed Lagoon installs will need to be aware of three changes in lagoon-core and lagoon-remote
- #602 updates the version of NATS, which requires a couple of straightforward config structure changes in lagoon-core and lagoon-remote. THere are no changes to the certs or keys, just the naming of the YAML items
- #688 introduces a new version of the lagoon build and task CRDs - after installing lagoon-remote, you will need to apply the new CRDs for builds and tasks to work - e.g.
helm show crds lagoon/lagoon-build-deploy --version 0.30.2 | kubectl apply -f -
- #687 converted the docker-host to a StatefulSet - which allows for multiple replicas to be specified - this will provide some load-balancing of docker workloads. It will result in a new docker-host cache being created the first time any replica starts up (including on the first deployment) - this may result in the first few builds being less-optimized whilst the cache rebuilds.