github urql-graphql/urql @urql/svelte@1.3.0

latest releases: @urql/vue@1.2.1, @urql/vue@1.2.0, @urql/svelte@4.2.0...
2 years ago

Minor Changes

  • Improve granularity of operationStore updates when query, variables, and context are changed. This also adds an operationStore(...).reexecute() method, which optionally accepts a new context value and forces an update on the store, so that a query may reexecute, by @kitten (See #1780)

Patch Changes

  • Loosen subscription(...) type further to allow any operationStore input, regardless of the Result produced, by @kitten (See #1779)
  • Updated dependencies (See #1776 and #1755)
    • @urql/core@2.1.5

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