github urql-graphql/urql @urql/exchange-graphcache@3.1.2

latest releases: @urql/core@5.0.8, @urql/exchange-graphcache@7.2.1, urql@4.2.0...
4 years ago

Patch Changes

  • ⚠️ Fix small pieces of code where polyfill-less ES5 usage was compromised. This was unlikely to have affected anyone in production as Array.prototype.find (the only usage of an ES6 method) is commonly used and polyfilled, by @kitten (See #991)
  • ⚠️ Fix queries that have erroed with a NetworkError (isOfflineError) not flowing back completely through the cacheExchange.
    These queries should also now be reexecuted when the client comes back online, by @kitten (See #1011)
  • Updated dependencies (See #1011)
    • @urql/core@1.13.1

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