- ⚠️ Fix cache.inspectFields causing an undefined error for uninitialised or cleared commutative layers, by @kitten (See #626)
- Improve Store constructor to accept an options object instead of separate arguments, identical to the cacheExchange options. (This is a patch, not a minor, since we consider Store part of the private API), by @kitten (See #622)
- Allow a single field to be invalidated using cache.invalidate using two additional arguments, similar to store.resolve; This is a very small addition, so it's marked as a patch, by @kitten (See #627)
- Prevent variables from being filtered and queries from being altered before they're forwarded, which prevented additional untyped variables from being used inside updater functions, by @kitten (See #629)
- Expose generated result data on writeOptimistic and passthrough data on write operations, by @kitten (See #613)
- Updated dependencies (See #621)
- @urql/core@1.10.2