Major SDK release with several breaking changes. see the Migration Guide for more info.
- Xcode 16.2+ is now required.
- Updated min versions to iOS 15+ & tvOS 18+.
- Migrated all modules to Swift 6.
- Objective-C support has been moved into AirshipObjectiveC framework freeing the SDK to expose Swift only APIs.
- Updated several APIs to use structs instead of classes.
- AppIntegration and PushNotificationDelegate expose async methods instead of completion handlers.
- Airship.takeOff can now throw instead of silently failing for better error handling.
- New CustomEvent template APIs.
- Remove unused NotificationContent extension.
- Fixed Scene animation when the device screen orientation changes with auto-height modals.
- Added support for wrapping score views in Scenes.
- Added support for Preference Center and Feature Flags to tvOS.
- Added support for Feature Flag experimentation.