github uqfoundation/pyina pyina-0.2.4

latest releases: 0.3.0, 0.2.9, pyina-0.2.8...
4 years ago

The pyina package provides several basic tools to make MPI-based parallel computing more accessable to the end user. The goal of pyina is to allow the user to extend their own code to MPI-based parallel computing with minimal refactoring.

pyina installs with easy_install or pip:
$ pip install pyina

pyina requires:
- python, version == 2.7 *or* version >= 3.5
-numpy, version >= 1.0
-mpi4py, version >= 1.3
- dill, version >= 0.3.3
- pox, version >= 0.2.9
- pathos >= 0.2.7

Optional requirements:
- mystic, version >= 0.3.7

pyina is licensed under 3-clause BSD:

>>> import pyina
>>> print (pyina.license())

To cite pyina:

>>> import pyina
>>> print (pyina.citation())

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