github unoplatform/uno 2.1.37

latest releases: 4.1.0, 4.0.7, 4.0...
4 years ago

Uno Platform 2.1 release is packed with over 50 new features allowing for increased productivity as well as getting you up and running with Surface Duo. In addition to bigger milestones such as x:Bind, the TwoPaneView and NumberBox controls we also shipped another 50 new features and closed 45 issues you raised.

Among many other updates:

  • Support for x:Bind functions (with BindBack, DefaultBindingMode)
  • Support for the Surface Duo has been added and the TwoPaneView control
  • Support for the WinUI 2.3 NumberBox control
  • ElevatedView in the toolkit to add shadows around controls
  • Support for Grid.ColumnSpacing and Grid.RowSpacing
  • Multitouch pointers support
  • Support for UIElement.RightTapped and Holding

You'll also notice some progress on the macOS support, but nothing concrete to share at this point.

Big thank you to all our contributors for the support !

Here's the full change log:


  • Added new ElevatedView in the Uno.Toolkit to provide elevation & rounded corners on all platforms
    (not supported on Windows yet, because Uno needs to target framework 10.0.18362.0)
  • [Android] Support for Application.Current.Exit
  • Support for Windows.Storage.FileProperties.BasicProperties.DateModified
  • Added CornerRadius support to more default styles to match UWP (for list of updated styles see PR [#2713])
  • Support for FontIcon on macOS
  • Support for PhoneCallManager.ShowPhoneCallUI on macOS
  • Support for full screen mode on macOS
  • Support for ShowComposeSmsMessageAsync on macOS
  • Support for Flyout on macOS
  • Support for HingeAngleSensor for Surface Duo
  • Support for Geolocator on macOS
  • Support for Clipboard get/set Text content on macOS
  • Support for ApplicationView.Title on Android and macOS
  • Support for AnalyticsInfo on macOS
  • Support for TryEnterFullScreenMode and ExitFullScreenMode on WebAssembly
  • Support for MessageDialog on macOS
  • [Android] support of KnownFolders.MusicLibrary and VideosLibrary
  • Add support for StorageFile.DateCreated
  • Support for ApplicationView.IsScreenCaptureEnabled on Android
  • Add support for StorageFile.DeleteAsync()
  • Support for PointerDown, PointerUp PointerEntered, PointerExited and PointerMoved events on macOS
  • Support for Launcher API on macOS, support for special URIs
  • Support for EmailManager.ShowComposeNewEmailAsync
  • Add support for StorageFolder.CreateFileAsync(string path)
  • Add support for ApplicationViewTitleBar.BackgroundColor on WASM
  • Add support for Automation SetDependencyPropertyValue in Uno.UITest
  • Added support for using a string value in a StaticResource when using `CreateFromStringAttribute'
  • [Android] Adds support for FeatureConfiguration.ScrollViewer.AndroidScrollbarFadeDelay
  • Add support for Grid.ColumnSpacing and Grid.RowSpacing
  • Add clarification in documentation for adding automated UI tests
  • Add support for Popup.LightDismissOverlayMode, as well as DatePicker.LightDismissOverlayMode and Flyout.LightDismissOverlayMode. To modify the background color of the Overlay see,, and
  • TransformToVisual now returns a real transform to convert coordinates between views (was only returning a translate transform to offset the origin of controls)
  • Multiple pointers at same time on screen (a.k.a. Multi-touch) are now supported
  • Add support for WinUI 2.3 NumberBox
  • Add support of the UIElement.RightTapped event (The context menu won't appear anymore on WASM, except for the TextBox)
  • Add support of the UIElement.Holding event
  • [MacOS] Support for ScrollViewer
  • [MacOS] Support for LinearGradientBrush
  • Add support for TwoPaneView control.
  • Add support for ApplicationView.GetSpanningRects
  • Add base support for API Extensibility through Uno.Foundation.Extensibility.ApiExtensibility and ApiExtensionAttribute
  • Add support for Surface Duo through the Uno.UI.DualScreen package
  • Add support for enums in x:Bind functions and BindBack
  • Add XamlReader support for Primitive static resources
  • [Android] Add support for non-native Popup by default. Can be enabled through FeatureConfiguration.Popup.UseNativePopup set to false (See #2533 for more details)
  • Add template tags for the VS2019 VSIX template search experience
  • [iOS] #2746 Fix border thickness when a corner radius is set
  • [Android] #2762 ProgressRing wasn't displaying inside a StackPanel
  • #2797 Stack overflow in ListView when changing SelectedItem to and from invalid value
  • [Android] #2761 Control with AreDimensionsConstrained and Margin set not measured correctly

Breaking changes

Bug fixes

  • [iOS] Applying a <RenderTransform> on an image was producing an incorrect layout result.
  • Add support for CornerRadius in default ComboBox style
  • Fix for samples app compilation for macOS
  • [#2465] Raising macOS Button Click event
  • [#2506] DesignMode.DesignMode2Enabled no longer throws (is always false on non-UWP platforms)
  • [#915] FontFamily values are now properly parsed on WebAssembly, updated docs with new info
  • [#2213] Fixed ApplicationData on MacOS, added support for LocalSettings
  • Made macOS Samples app skeleton runnable (temporarily removed ApplicationData check on startup, fixed reference), added xamarinmacos20 to crosstargeting_override sample
  • [#2230] DisplayInformation leaks memory
  • [WASM] Shapes now update when their Fill brush's Color changes
  • [WASM] Fix bug where changing IsEnabled from false to true on Control inside another Control didn't work
  • [Wasm] Add arbitrary delay in Safari macOS to avoid StackOverflow issues
  • #2227 fixed Color & SolidColorBrush literal values generation
  • [Android] Fix bug where setting Canvas.ZIndex would apply shadow effect in some cases
  • #2287 Vertical ListView containing a horizontal ScrollViewer: horizontal scrolling is difficult, only works when the gesture is perfectly horizontal
  • #2130 Grid - fix invalid measure when total star size is 0
  • [iOS] Fix invalid image measure on constrained images with Margin
  • [#2364] fixed missing Xaml IntelliSense on newly created project
  • ViewBox no longer alters its child's RenderTransform
  • [#2033] Add Missing LostFocus Value to UpdateSourceTrigger Enum
  • [Android] Fix Image margin calculation on fixed size
  • [Android] Native views weren't clipped correctly
  • [Android] Border thickness was incorrect when CornerRadius was set
  • [iOS] #2361 ListView would measure children with infinite width
  • [iOS] Fix crash when using ComboBox template with native Picker and changing ItemsSource to null after SelectedItem was set
  • [#2398] Fully qualify the MethodName value for `CreateFromStringAttribute' if it's not fully qualified it the code
  • [WASM] Fix bug where changing a property could remove the required clipping on a view
  • #2294 Fix TextBox text binding is updated by simply unfocusing
  • [Android] Fix unconstrained Image loading issue when contained in a ContentControl template
  • Enable partial NavigationView.ItemSource scenario (#2477)
  • [Wasm] Fail gracefully if IDBFS is not enabled in emscripten
  • [#2513] Fix TransformGroup not working
  • [#1956] Fis iOS invalid final state when switching visual state before current state's animation is completed.
  • Fix Selector support for IsSelected (#1606)
  • [Android] 164249 fixed TextBox.Text flickering when using custom IInputFilter with MaxLength set
  • [MacOS] Fix exceptions when modifying UIElementCollection, layouting view with null Layer
  • Fix invalid conversion when using ThemeResource (e.g. Color resource to Brush property)
  • Fix XamlBindingHelper.Convert double to GridLength
  • [Android] Adjust TextBlock.TextDecorations is not updating properly
  • Adjust XamlBindingHelper for GridLength and TimeSpan
  • Add missing ListView resources
  • #2570 [Android/iOS] fixed ObjectDisposedException in BindingPath
  • #2107 [iOS] fixed ContentDialog doesn't block touch for background elements
  • #2108 [iOS/Android] fixed ContentDialog background doesn't change
  • #2680 [Wasm] Fix ComboBox should not stretch to the full window width

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