github unoplatform/uno 1-43-1
Release 1.43.1

latest releases: 4.1.0, 4.0.7, 4.0...
5 years ago


  • [Wasm] Improve general performance and memory pressure by removing Javascript interop evaluations.
  • Add support for Windows 10 SDK 17763 (1809)
  • Improve the Uno.UI solution memory consumption for Android targets
  • Add support for GridLength conversion from double
  • Raise exceptions on missing styles in debug configuration
  • Add working ViewBox stub
  • Path.Data property now invalidates measure and arrange
  • Wasm Image logs Opened and Failed events
  • Add UpToDateCheckInput to avoid VS invalid incremental rebuilds
  • 35178 Added recipe for copying text to clipboard
  • Added ToogleSwitch documentation in Uno/Doc/Controls.
  • Added new properties for ToggleSwitch Default Native Styles.
    [iOS] For BindableUISwitch : TintColorBrush property was added to be able to tint the outline of the switch when it is turned off.
    [Android] For BindableSwitchCompat : - Text property was added in order to change the ToggleSwitch label.
    - TextColor property was added in order to change the ToggleSwitch label color.
    - ThumbTint property was added in order to change the Thumb color.
    - TrackTint property was added in order to change the Track color.
  • Samples apps now contain a Unit Tests page
  • Added missing resources for NavigationViewItem
  • All Nuget and VSIX artifacts are now Authenticode signed
  • Resource strings are now loaded from upri files for faster resolution
  • Add FeatureConfiguration.Interop.ForceJavascriptInterop to enable JS Eval fallback in Wasm mode.
  • Add support for 1809 NavigationView
  • Add support for runtime conversion of global static resources unknown at compile time
  • Fixed fallback support for Style property set via ThemeResource
  • Add support for multiple resw folders with upri resource generation
  • Add support for ThicknessHelper
  • ResourceLoader adjustments …
    • CurrentUICulture and CurrentCulture are set when setting ResourceLoader .DefaultCulture
    • upri load now ignores resources not used by the current culture
  • Add BrushConverter support for Color input
  • Add SplitView support for PaneOpened and PaneOpening
  • Add CoreApplication.GetCurrentView() Dispatcher and TitleBar stubs support
  • Add support for IsItemItsOwnContainer iOS ListView
  • Add missing Android Sample App symbols font
  • Add SampleControl for Samples app for easier browsing and UI Testing of samples
  • Import Border samples
  • Improve UIElement inner Children enumeration performance and memory usage
  • Add FeatureConfiguration.FrameworkElement.AndroidUseManagedLoadedUnloaded to control the native or managed propagation performance of Loaded/Unloaded events through the visual tree
  • Raise Application.UnhandledException event on failed navigation
  • Adjusts the Microsoft.NETCore.UniversalWindowsPlatform version in the UWP head template to avoid assembly loading issues when using the Uno library template in the sample solution.
  • [Android] Add support for ListViewItem instances provided via the ItemsSource property
  • Added support to disable accessibility feature of larger text on iOS and Android by adjusting the FeatureConfiguration.Font.IgnoreTextScaleFactor flag. Please note that Apple recommends to keep text sizes dynamic for a variety of reasons and to allow users to adjust their text size preferences.
  • [Wasm] Code for Path.Stretch has been moved to Shape and works well now for all shapes.
  • Add support for DynamicObject data binding, to enable support for Elmish.Uno.
  • Add support for VS2019 VSIX installation
  • Improved Xaml generation speed, and incremental build performance
  • [Wasm] Fix CoreDispatcher StackOverflowException when running on low stack space environments (e.g. iOS)
  • Add support for ResourceLoader.GetForViewIndependentUse(string) and named resource files
  • [Wasm] Load events are now raised directly from managed code. You can restore the previous behavior (raised from native) by setting FeatureConfiguration.FrameworkElement.WasmUseManagedLoadedUnloaded = false.
  • Updated memory profiling documentation
  • Updated default app template iOS GC settings
  • Add support for WebAssembly Web Projects
  • Add support for WebAssembly debugging with Chrome
  • Add support for XAML x:FieldModifier
  • Add Uno.UI linker definition files
  • Adjust FlyoutPresenter default template
  • Add support for Flyout anchor
  • Improved XAML designer support
  • Improved DependencyObject performance under AOT (JS dynCalls for overrides/delegates inside of EH blocks)
  • Add support for MatrixTransform, UIElement.TransformToVisual now returns a MatrixTransform

Breaking changes

  • Refactored ToggleSwitch Default Native XAML Styles. (cf. 'NativeDefaultToggleSwitch' styles in Generic.Native.xaml)
    [iOS] For BindableUISwitch : Background property was changed for OnTintColorBrush and Foreground property for ThumbTintColorBrush.
    [Android] BindableSwitch was renamed BindableSwitchCompat in order to avoid confusion with the Switch control.
  • Remove invalid Windows.UI.Xaml.Input.VirtualKeyModifiers
  • Time picker flyout default styles has been changed to include done and cancel buttons
  • DataTemplateSelector implementations are now called using the 2 parameters overload first with a fallback to the 1 parameter overload on null returned value.
    Old behavior could be restored using FeatureConfiguration.DataTemplateSelector.UseLegacyTemplateSelectorOverload = true.
  • Using "/n" directly in the XAML for a text/content property is not supported anymore in order to match the UWP behavior.
    You can use " " instead in the text/content properties or a carriage return where you need it in the localized resources.
  • The ResourcesGeneration msbuild target has been renamed to UnoResourcesGeneration
    If your csproj is using this target explicily, change it to the new name.

Bug fixes

  • MediaPlayerElement [iOS] Subtitles are not disable on initial launch anymore
  • MediaPlayerElement [Android]Player status is now properly updated on media end
  • MediaPlayerElement [Android]Fix issue when video metadata reports a width or height of 0
  • #388 Slider: NRE when vertical template is not defined
  • 138117 [Android] Removing a bookmarked/downloaded lesson can duplicate the assets of a different lesson.
  • [Wasm] Fix VirtualizingPanelAdapter measure and arrange
  • 137892 [Android] Fixed FontFamily, FontSize and FontWeight are not applied anymore on the TextBox's content.
  • Don't fail on empty grid ArrangeOverride
  • Don't generate the Bindable attribute if already present
  • Adjust .NET template projects versions to 4.6.1
  • Adjust Microsoft.CodeAnalysis versions to avoid restore conflicts
  • Fix element name matching existing types fails to compile (e.g. ContentPresenter)
  • 138735 [Android] Fixed broken DatePicker
  • Multi-selection Check Boxes in ListViewItems are appearing brielfly (#403)
  • 140721 [Android] FlipView not visible when navigating back to page
  • 138537 [iOS] App freezes after State selection causing infinite load on every subsequent launch
  • Fix invalid Border Content type for macOS
  • Don't fail iOS ListView if item Content is null
  • [Wasm] Implement naive refresh for items manipulation in the ListViewBase
  • 3326 [iOS][ItemsControl] ItemsControl in FlipView does not restore items properly
  • Fix NRE in Slider when no template is applied
  • Fix Frame does not unset Page.Frame when a page is removed
  • Add Wasm PlatformNotSupportedException for System.IO after CoreFX merge in mono
  • Border properties now invalidates measure and arrange on all platforms
  • 141907 [Android] [iOS] The toggle switch is half missing.
  • 142937 [Android] [iOS] Some Button ThemeBrushes are missing.
  • 143527 [Android] Fixed broken TimePicker Flyout on android devices.
  • 143596 [Wasm] Images stretching is incorrect
  • 143595 [Wasm] Wasm ListView Resizing is not working - Limitation: items can't change its size yet, but it's now getting measured/arranged correctly.
  • 143527 [Android] Fixed broken TimePicker Flyout on android devices.
  • 143598 [Wasm] Wasm Animation rotation center is incorrect
  • Fixes invalid parsing of custom types containing {} in their value (#455)
  • Add workaround for iOS stackoverflow during initialization.
  • Improve the file locking issues of Uno.UI.Tasks MSBuild task
  • Fix VisibleBoundsPadding memory leak
  • [ios] Time picker missing "OK" confirmation button
  • #87 / 124046 ComboBox incorrect behavior when using Items property
  • [Wasm] ComboBox wasn't working anymore since few versions
  • Fix memory leak with defining event handlers in XAML documents
  • Fix memory leak in CommandBar
  • Fix memory leak when using x:Name in XAML documents
  • 143170 [iOS] [WatermarkedDatePicker] When the Maxyear boundary is reached the first time, the calendar goes back two days instead of one
  • #491 DataTemplateSelector.SelectTemplate is not called on iOS and Android. The behavior is now closer to UWP.
  • 144268 / #493 : Resources outside of 'en' folder not working
  • Support for duplicate XAML AutomationProperties.Name
  • ListViewBase.SelectedItems is updated on selection change in Single selection mode
  • #528 ComboBoxes are empty when no datacontext
  • Ensure that Uno.UI can be used with VS15.8 and earlier (prevent the use of VS15.9 and later String APIs)
  • [Android] Listview Items stay visually in a pressed state,(can click multiple) when you click then scroll down, click another item, and scroll back up
  • 144101 fixed ListView group headers messed up on item update
  • #527 Fix for Selector.SelectionChanged is raised twice on updated selection
  • [iOS] Add fail-safe on FrameworkElement.WillMoveToSuperview log to Application.Current.UnhandledException

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