- feat: expose IRouteComponentProps for better layout customization experience (#4364) 5198838
- feat(ast): getExportProps() supports more common export syntax (#4354) b863d2b
- feat: support env WATCH_IGNORED for lib debugging (#4350) 2482cc4
- feat: support custom socket server with env SOCKET_SERVER (#4347) 08df429
- feat: support disable title by set it to false (#4345) fdf84b7
- feat: chainWebpack config support async (#4344) 607515f
- fix: 修复cwd祖先目录下的文件不触发编译的bug (#4327) d0de213
- docs: history.redirectTo -> history.push 90b8e1c
- docs: history.redirectTo -> history.push, Close #4334 8591e26
- docs: details of #4311 (#4356) 44f87eb
- chore: code style a03a5a9