Release Notes
The Release Procedure is defined in the CONTRIBUTING document.
- deps upgrade
- cosmos-sdk to v0.47.17
- wasmvm v1.5.9
- packet-forward-middleware v7.3.0
- ibc-go v7.10.0
Update Price Feeder to umee/2.4.4+
NOTE: after the upgrade, you should restart your Price Feeder. We observed that Price Feeder doesn't correctly re-establish a connection after the chain upgrade.
libwasmvm update
Our dependencies have been updated. The binary requires libwasmvm v1.5.9
. When you build the binary from source on the server machine you probably don't need any change. However, when you download a binary from GitHub, or from another source, make sure you update the /usr/lib/libwasmvm.<cpu_arch>.so
. For example:
- copy from
$GOPATH/pkg/mod/!cosm!wasm/wasmvm@v1.5.5/internal/api/libwasmvm.$(uname -m).so
- or download from github
wget$(uname -m).so -O /lib/libwasmvm.$(uname -m).so
You don't need to do anything if you are using our Docker image.
Upgrade instructions
- Download latest binary or build from source.
- Make sure
libwasmvm.$(uname -m).so
is properly linked- Run the binary to make sure it works for you:
umeed version
- Run the binary to make sure it works for you:
- Wait for software upgrade proposal to pass and trigger the chain upgrade.
- Swap binaries.
- Ensure latest Price Feeder (see compatibility matrix) is running and ensure your price feeder configuration is up-to-date.
- Restart the chain.
- Restart Price Feeder.
You can use Cosmovisor → see instructions.
Docker images are available in umee-network repository.