github umee-network/umee v6.0.0-beta2

latest releases: v6.7.2, v6.7.2-rc1, v6.7.1...
16 months ago

Release Notes

Release Procedure is defined in the CONTRIBUTING document.



  • TODO: special assets, new Gov messages
  • New inflation mechanism.

New Inflation Mechanism

The Upgrade Handler sets the following values to the Umee x/ugov Inflation Cycle parameters:

  • max_supply = 21e18uumee (21 billions UMEE)
  • inflation_cycle = time.Hour * 24 * 365 * 2 (2 years)
  • inflation_reduction_rate = 2500 basis points (25%)

The new Inflation Cycle will start on 2023-10-15 15:00 UTC. This will mark the first inflation reduction from the current rates:

  • inflation_min 7% → 5.25%
  • inflation_max 14% → 10.5%

The x/staking Bonded Goal stays the same: 33.00%.


libwasmvm update

Our dependencies have been updated. Now the binary requires libwasmvm v1.3.0. When you build the binary from source on the server machine you probably don't need any change. However when you download a binary from GitHub, or from other source, make sure you update the /usr/lib/libwasmvm.<cpu_arch>.so. For example:

  • copy from $GOPATH/pkg/mod/!cosm!wasm/wasmvm@v1.3.0/internal/api/libwasmvm.$(uname -m).so
  • or download from github wget$(uname -m).so -O /lib/libwasmvm.$(uname -m).so

You don't need to do anything if you are using our Docker image.

Min Gas Prices

Since v4.2 release we request all validators set a minimum-gas-prices setting (in app config/app.toml file, general settings). We recommend 0.1uumee which is equal the current Keplr average setting:

minimum-gas-prices = "0.1uumee"

Upgrade instructions

  • Download latest binary or build from source.
  • Make sure libwasmvm.$(uname -m).so is properly linked
    • Run the binary to make sure it works for you: umeed version
  • Wait for software upgrade proposal to pass and trigger the chain upgrade.
  • Swap binaries.
  • Ensure latest Price Feeder (see compatibility matrix) is running and check your price feeder config is up to date.
  • Restart the chain.

You can use Cosmovisor → see instructions.


Docker images are available in umee-network repository.

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