github umee-network/umee v3.0.0

latest releases: v6.4.1, v6.4.0, v6.4.0-beta1...
20 months ago

Release Notes


v3.0.0 Introduces our lending and oracle functionality.

Highlights since v1.x

  • x/leverage module, which allows anyone to:
    • supply liquidity (and earn interest)
    • collateralize the supplied assets to enable borrowing
    • borrow (and pay interest)
    • participate in governance of x/leverage parameters file.
  • x/oracle module - a decentralized price oracle for the x/leverage module, as well as any app built in the Umee blockchain. UMEE holders set x/oracle parameters by governance.
  • Cosmos v0.46 upgrade, which features:
  • IBC v5.0

x/leverage settings

The leverage module is by default compiled without support for the liquidation_targets query.

Validators should NOT enable this query on their nodes - it is inefficient due to iterating over all borrower accounts, and can delay time-sensitive consensus operations when a sufficient number of addresses must be checked.

To run a node capable of supporting a liquidator, enable the query at compile time using LIQUIDATOR=true make install.

Gravity Bridge

In v1.1.x (current mainnet) we disabled Gravity Bridge (GB) module due to Ethereum PoS migration (the merge).
This release is the first step to re-enable GB. We start by enabling validators update and evidence messages (MsgValsetConfirm and MsgValsetUpdatedClaim), but the bridge messages: batch creation, claims (both ways: Ethereum->Cosmos and Cosmos->Ethereum) remain disabled.

Validators are expected to run Peggo and update the valiator set in Gravity smart contract.

See Gravity Bridge Release Notes.

Update Notes

Each validator MUST:

  • Run Peggo (Gravity Bridge Orchestrator) v1.0.x

  • Run Price Feeder v1.0.x

  • Update config.toml file by setting mempool.version="v1". Ideally you should do it before the upgrade time, then at the upgrade switch binaries and start with the upgraded config:

    version = "v1"

Instructions: umeeversity/validator

Failure to run Peggo and Price Feeder results in being slashed, as do certain types of misbehavior such as consistently submitting incorrect prices.

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