github ultraq/thymeleaf-layout-dialect 2.4.0
Thymeleaf Layout Dialect 2.4.0

latest releases: 3.3.0, 3.2.1, 3.2.0...
5 years ago
  • Allow passing of values up to layout templates using fragment parameters (#157)
  • Updated how <head> element sorting was done so that the <title> can now
    optionally be put as the first element, instead of always making it first.
    Also created 2 new sorting strategies that reflect this respecting of the
    <title> and other element positions. (#176)
  • Fixed a bug around nested elements which arose in 2.3.0 (#178)
  • Fixed a bug when self-closing <html> tags are used as a root element (#173)
  • Added an experimental option to allow developers to opt-out of the automatic
    <head> merging that normally occurs, useful if wanted to manage that
    section using other Thymeleaf processors (#165)

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