github ultraq/thymeleaf-layout-dialect 2.0.0
Thymeleaf Layout Dialect 2.0.0

latest releases: 3.3.0, 3.2.1, 3.2.0...
8 years ago
  • Layout dialect rewritten to support Thymeleaf 3 (#68, Layout Dialect 2.0 milestone)
  • layout:decorator processor renamed to layout:decorate, $DECORATOR_TITLE renamed to $LAYOUT_TITLE (#95)
  • Deprecated layout:include processor for the new layout:insert processor (#107)
  • New documentation site created to hold what was turning into a gigantic readme! (#115)

Upgrading to 2.0? I've written a migration guide to help make the transition easier. Check it out on the new documentation pages site, here:

As of release there are still some tests that have been disabled and may cause regressions for these use cases. They are listed here:

def exclusions = [
// Disabled, see test file for details
One is a very specific and rare case, another is an undocumented use of the layout dialect, and the commented one I don't feel I should fix as it feels like the incorrect use of an element. For those first 2 cases, I'll work on them in upcoming patches so they don't hold up the release.

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