github ukdtom/ExportTools.bundle V2.0.0.14

latest releases: V2.0.0.16, V2.0.0.15
3 years ago

From the Changelog:


- New:
	- #151 Handle new Guid for shows with the new TV Agent
	    * Added fields to episodes level 4 as:
		  * IMDB ID       
		  * IMDB Link
		  * TMDB ID
		  * TVDB ID
		* Added fields to Show_Only level 3 as:
		  * IMDB ID
		  * IMDB Link
		  * TMDB ID
		  * TVDB ID
- Fix:
	-  #144 binary mode doesn't take an encoding argument
	-  #147 Default Sort Title to Title, if empty

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