github uias/Tabman 0.4.0.beta.4
0.4.0 Beta 4

latest releases: 3.2.0, 3.1.0, 3.0.2...
pre-release7 years ago

Numerous fixes to appearance/state updates and minor enhancements.


  • Ability to attach and detach an external TabmanBar to TabmanViewController.
  • Chevron (.chevron) style indicator to TabmanIndicator.Styles.
  • Ability to specify a custom explicit height for a TabmanBar via internal .height property.
  • Layout.height property to TabmanBar.Appearance.
  • Layout.itemVerticalPadding property to TabmanBar.Appearance.
  • An explicit minimumItemHeight default of 40 to button bar styles.


  • TabmanBar views now are fully dependent on AutoLayout for sizing, previous an explicit intrinsicContentSize was provided.
  • Refactor .none TabmanIndicator.Style to .clear.
  • Centralised default appearance properties from individual style classes to TabmanBar.Appearance.


  • Issue where updating appearance properties would not be correctly evaluated when set back to nil.
  • Issue where indicators which were not able to support progressive indication would incorrectly render.
  • Issue where bars would sometimes be incorrectly invisible.

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