github ueokande/vim-vixen 0.30
Release 0.30

latest releases: v1.2.4, v1.2.3, v1.2.2...
3 years ago

🚀 New Features

Supports dark mode (#751)

This change allow you to choose color scheme of the console from light-mode and dark-mode. The new property colorscheme enables to change thee types of color schemes.

The allowed value is one of light, dark, and system (default). light and dark indicate the light-mode and dark-mode are used in the console, respectively. system indicate the preferred color configured by system settings is used (see also prefers-color-scheme).

set colorscheme=system     " Use system settings
set colorscheme=light      " Light mode
set colorscheme=dark       " Dark mode


📈 Enhancement Notes

Added elements with attribute 'onclick' to hints (#757 by @MatiasStorm)

All elements with the 'onclick' attribute are now included in the hints.

Minor improvements to ScrollPresenter (#755 by @MatiasStorm)

I have changed isOverflowed to doneScrolling, to determine if the element can scroll any further.

When no href value exists on a link the user selects to follow, attempt pt to click() the link to blindly trigger any JS events bound to it (#783 by @YoloClin)

This PR will successfully trigger JS events in the following edge case:

<a id="clickme">Click me!</a>
<script>$("#clickme").on("click", function(){ alert(1) });</script>

It's reasonable to assume the user doesn't care whether or not the anchor has a valid href or triggers JS, so vim-vixen should just allow it to occur.

📔 Other Notes

Fixing a small grammatical error. (#781 by @muedli)

In, the description "reopen a close tab" should be "reopen a closed tab".

changed console_commands.html to (#774 by @natinaum)

"console command" link in docs/Keymaps leads to a not/no longer existing page.
This change replace a link with markdown links.

Support responsive design on docs (#785)

The official document pages supports responsive design for mobiles.

Migrate npm to yarn (#784)

Use yarn instead of npm.

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