github udecode/plate @udecode/slate-react@41.0.0

latest releases: @udecode/plate-math@41.0.4, @udecode/plate-math@41.0.3, @udecode/plate@41.0.2...
2 days ago

Major Changes

  • #3830 by @felixfeng33 – Rename findNodePath to findPath since the addition of findNodePath in the headless lib.

    We recommend using findPath mostly when subscribing to its value (e.g. in a React component) as it has O(path.length) complexity, compared to O(n) for the traversal-based findNodePath. This optimization is particularly important in:

    • Render functions of Plate components where using findNodePath would increase the initial render time by O(n²)
    • Key press handlers where using findNodePath would increase the handling time by O(n)

    where n is the number of nodes in the editor.

Patch Changes

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