github udecode/plate @udecode/plate-core@42.0.5

latest releases: @udecode/plate-table@42.1.1, @udecode/plate-utils@42.1.1, @udecode/plate@42.1.1...
one day ago

Patch Changes

  • #3943 by @felixfeng33editor.api.html.deserialize: Support deserialization from PlateStatic.

    New: getEditorDOMFromHtmlString returns the editor element in html string (the one with data-slate-editor="true").

    New utilities for checking Slate nodes in HTML:

    • isSlateVoid: Check if an HTML element is a Slate void node
    • isSlateElement: Check if an HTML element is a Slate element node
    • isSlateString: Check if an HTML element is a Slate string node
    • isSlateLeaf: Check if an HTML element is a Slate leaf node
    • isSlateNode: Check if an HTML element is any type of Slate node
    • isSlatePluginElement: Check if an HTML element is a Slate element node with a specific plugin key
    • isSlatePluginNode: Check if an HTML element has a specific plugin key class
    • getSlateElements: Get all Slate element nodes in an HTML element

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